Chapter 4

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Alice Hughes' POV

"I don't know about this, Nora. Should I go or not? I mean, he asked me to go but I don't know. Do you think I should go?" I asked myself in the mirror as I was trying to tell Nora about this date that I have with this hunk who she wished would be interested in me. Well, she got her to wish for me, I mused as I sighed while I looked at the mirror. I touched my reflection but it was still as it just stared back at me. I closed my eyes as I was praying for myself to do the right thing.

"Hey, girl. What are you doing by yourself? Talking to the mirror, I see," Nora said, closing the bedroom door as she looked at me. I took a deep breath before I turned to look at her. I smiled as I was tongued tied for I don't know what to say to her. I practiced a lot but when I was about to do the real thing, I froze. I wanted to tell her but I don't have the strength to say to her. Damn it!

You can do this, Alice. I know you can! I psyched myself again in my mind before I was clearing my throat. "Nora," I said as she looked at me. I bit my lower lips.

"Hmm?" she asked me, turning to look at me with her brilliant eyes as Nora was sitting on her bed. She took off her heels before she was massaging her feet. It must be awful to walk around in those, I mused before I was back on track to tell her.

"I have to get out tonight. I have some important tasks to be done at the university's library," I said as I was trying to keep a smile on my face. Again, I took the safer route with my best friend. What is wrong with me? I don't want to be eager but I sounded like I was. Nora looked at me as she eyed me up and down. I was wearing only my usual sweater and legging. She arched her eyebrow at me.

"Okay... Whatever you say, Alice. I hope you don't get lost in the hole. I mean, you can't get out without the Mad Hatter," she said, a curve on the end of her lips as I was taking my bag before I was heading toward the door. I glanced at her over my shoulder as I did not understand her riddle.

"What are you even talking about?" I asked her. I don't understand her metaphor when she used one.

Nora winked. "You'll see," she said before she took her towel and went into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes before I went out of the bedroom, exiting the apartment, and walked toward the university's library. The time was 5 PM. Still, I got like 3 hours before the appointed time for our promised date. Okay, not a date per se, but I felt like it was. I sighed.

"I have so much time to do my work," I said, shoving the negative thought away from my mind as I went to the library for I wanted to finish my assignments and be done with them. I don't want to procrastinate anymore. I walked inside the library. It was not packed at the time since the midterm was just over. I was relieved as I don't like a crowded place for my solitude. I went to my usual spot and took out my laptop from my bag and started doing my work.


I was stretching my hands above my head when I looked at the finished documents of my History class. We were assigned to do some research on the role model that I respected the most. I wasted no time searching about Avicenna. He was like the greatest Muslim scientist and was considered the Father of Modern Medicine with his invention of suture thread and how to stitch a wound. Not to mention his invention of the stethoscope. I smiled at his accomplishments.

"What a productive day," I said as I stood up from my seat. I looked around the library. There were not a lot of people sitting around as they have deserted the place to be home for dinner. I chuckled before I looked at the time. I blinked my eyes before I started packing my stuff. "Shit!" I hissed as I looked at the clock on my MacBook. The time was 8:30 PM. I promised that douche bag to meet at 8 PM. I'm so doomed, I thought. So, I packed my things and left the library in haste. I don't know what was going on in my head but I felt guilty and ashamed of my clumsiness.

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