Chapter 13

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Alice Hughes' POV

I don't even know what to do but just to respond to his kiss right now. I know that once Connor kissed me, I was a goner. I cannot deny his kiss or his charms in that department. "Connor," I whispered as I broke the kiss. My fiancé kissed me again before he pushed his tongue into my mouth this time. I gasped as I don't think he would be so bold right now.

He explored my mouth as if he did not have enough time to fully explore it before. I moaned against his mouth before Connor broke the kiss. "Alice, my love," he whispered as he went to kiss on my jaws and my neck. I moaned as I was angling for more access so that he would kiss me even more. "Do you consent?" he asked me. I was in a daze as I don't know what he was talking about but I just nodded at him. He chuckled softly. "Good," he whispered darkly before I felt like I was tumbling on a whirlwind. My back suddenly hit the bed as Connor was crawling on top of me, feeling his muscles and sinew all at once.

"Oh," I gasped before I saw his ruby orbs were glistening under the moonlight, which illuminated the bedroom in red light. If I did not know any better, the moon in the Monster Realm was red which I can conclude that it was Blood Moon.

It was always Blood Moon here.

Connor was watching me closely. Then, he was leaning closer and closer to my face. "There will be no turning back now, do you understand?" he asked me as I was trying to figure out what he was talking about. Suddenly, it clicked. The consent... Connor was asking permission to sleep together with me tonight.

More like having sex with me tonight.

I blinked my eyes. "Oh," I said before I looked at him. He was staring at me as if I was prey in his eyes. It's not like that I don't be his prey for my heart was racing inside my chest, waiting patiently for what my Connor would do next now that he had my consent.

"Alice, we can stop now if you want to, I don't want you to have regret," he said before I was looking at him. He was gorgeous with his casual wear, without the sash and anything formal that would indicate that he was the High Warlock of Monster Realm and I was the only thing that he was looking at.

I felt special, beautiful in his eyes.

"I... I..." Before I can anything else, I was cut off as Connor kissed me again, only this time with urgency. His mouth was melted to mine as he was gripping my waist, bringing me closer, not wanting to leave any gap between us.

"I have always dreamed of you after we first met. Say you will have me, my love, and I will show you the world," my fiancé said as he was whispering in my ear. His deep, baritone voice was making my core tingle with excitement as it was on fire and I was burning with desire. I was breathing hard, looking into his eyes knowing that he burned for me as well.

"Yes," I said one last time, knowing that I cannot take back the consent that I gave to Connor O'Sullivan, my fiancé and husband-to-be. Suddenly, I was kissed by him. It was rough, passionate and it was not like other kisses that I ever experienced before, not that I can compare with anyone else other than my fiancé. "Hmm," I said as I was snaking my arms around his neck and I was waiting for him to respond to my need as well. I was grinding my core to his thigh to let him know where I wanted him.

Connor chuckled softly as he was breaking the kiss. "Relax, my love, it will only get me excited for more," he said as he was taking off his shirt and I was helping him to pull it over his head. His hard abs were hitting my stomach as I smoothed my fingers over his hard chest and muscular stomach. "Hmm," he chuckled as I was fumbling with his belt. Then, Connor fully laughed at my attempt. "In a hurry, aren't we?" he said, gripping my wrists as he put my hands over my head. His eyes were shining under the dim light of the bedroom that we shared.

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