(20) Is it to much to ask for a happy moment?💜

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(Virgil's Pov)💜

1 week. That's how long it had been.
Virgil had become a cocoon in his room.
Until today.
"Okay let's go." He peeped out of the blankets to see Roman opening the curtains. Virgil hissed as the sunlight hit his face. Roman looked back. "Now that's a bit of an exaggeration." He smiled to show he was joking. Virgil could tell he was threading on eggshells. He didn't want to hurt Virgil. He just wanted to help.
Virgil sighed and turned around. He couldn't stand to face Roman. He felt so guilty. What would Roman say if he knew he Kissed Deceit?
Even though they weren't actually together....

"Virg?" Roman said. He walked over and sat at the edge of the bed placing his hand on Virgil's shoulder through the blankets. "Please Virgil."
Virgil sighed.
"Give me a minute." He mumbled groggily.
He cast a quick glance at Roman.
His smile was huge. His eyes sparkled.
Curse him for looking so amazing.

He happily walked (almost skipping) out of the room. Virgil couldn't help but giggle.
He dragged himself out of the bed. He almost fell back down when he stood up. He hasn't left his room since-

...all week.

He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He looked awful. His hair was a wreck. Tangled and Knotted. His eyeshadow was.
All over his face. Falling in flakes and crumbling. He sighed. It would take a fairy godmother to help fix him up.

He jumped into the shower. The heat of the warm water melted into his bones making him feel the most alive he's felt all week. He scrubbed his tangle of purple hair twice. That was the weird thing. His hair stayed purple unlike Roman, Patton and Logan's.
When he was done after about a half an hour.
(Don't come for him he loves hot showers.) he picked out an outfit. He presumed they wouldn't go further then the living room so be grabbed his black sweat pants and his usual hoodie. His hair had dried out a bit by now and he brushed it trying to fluff it up to give it a bit of volume. He grabbed his eyeshadow and eyeliner and smudged it under his eyes.
At least it hid the bags under his eyes.

He had one last look at himself in the mirror. It would have to do.

He opened the door. A fresh sent of cookies hit him. The air almost seemed different here. It was light and fresh and clean.
His room was musty and needed a good clean.

He walked down the hall into the kitchen. Logan sat at the table flicking through a book. Patton was making cookies.
Well the cookies were in the oven. Patton was licking out the bowl.
He almost dropped the bowl and shattered it when he saw Virgil standing in the doorway.
"VIRGIL!" And with that he placed the bowl onto the counter and ran over to Virgil tackling him in a hug.
Logan nodded and actually grinned.
Next thing Romans head popped up from behind the sofa.
His eyes shone even brighter.

Some Chatter and a lot of debating after they finally decided to watch Cinderella. Pattons Favourite.

Patton and Logan fell asleep just as the fairy godmother got Cinderella ready for the ball. Pattons head rested on Logan's shoulder. Logan arm was wrapped around Patton close to him. A ghost of a smile was on there face as they slept.

Virgil and Roman sat shoulder to shoulder. Virgil's heart raced but in a good way. His stomach filled with butterfly's.
Cinderella was walking up the steps to the castle.
Romans arms wrapped around Virgil's shoulders.
Virgil lay his head on his shoulder.
Cinderella net Prince Charming.
Roman kissed Virgil's head, and then lay his cheek against his head.
They began to dance.
And somehow their position and now Virgil was lying on top of Roman both their body's sprawled out on the couch. Virgil's head on Romans chest as Roman played with his hair and kissed it every now and again.

Virgil glanced at the opposite couch where Logan and Patton were. Patton was grinning as he looked over at the pair.

Virgil rolled his eyes and snuggled into Roman some more.
Cinderella had just had to leave the ball. It was just turning midnight.
Virgil glanced Roman. He was trying to stay awake.
Virgil grabbed onto his hand and intertwined their fingers.
Roman looked down at him.
A bright scarlet colour rushed to his cheeks.
The same happened with Virgil.
His eyes felt heavy but he didn't want to sleep. He didn't want this moment to ever end. He finally felt happy.
Virgil woke up. He glanced at the couch. Patton and Logan were gone. He glanced at the clock.

8:50 am.

Damn. He thought. That's the earliest he's woken up ever. He was about to move when he realised a pair of arms was wrapped around his torso.
He smiled and shifted as gently as possible to get into a more comfortable position.
He felt Roman move.
"Morning Emo." He said grinning cheekily. Virgil laughed and cuddled into him some more.

He didn't ever want this moment to end.

(Word count 875)

Heyyyyy. Sorry it's a bit shorter then usual just a bit of a filler.
Seems like Virgil and Romans relationship is going somewhere.
Together but not together kinda thing.
I felt like Virg deserved a happy moment so I wrote this lol.
Hope you enjoyed!

Thanks s0 much


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