(32) Hold a White Flag High💙

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(Patton's Pov💙)

Patton sighed. The tension was so thick in the light sides living area you could cut it with a knife. The silence when Roman and Virgil was in a room together was unbearable. They had even stopped their Disney movie nights so it was just him and Logan, and don't get him wrong he loved Logan, he just missed his two best friends.

He hated it with a very big passion, and he torn between the two sides.
He agreed with Roman, Virgil shouldn't have lied, but he was also in the wrong. Virgil can't help that he doesn't want to be in a relationship and Roman has to respect that, and Virgil's changed. He's not like them anymore. He's good.

The war Between the light sides and the Dark sides has to end. It should have ended long ago. In fact it should have never began in the first place. Patton and Logan should have never separated them all in the first place. Oh golly it really was Pattons fault.

He'd never forget the day him and Logan made the decision. They weren't even together at the time, that's how long ago it was. They sat the kitchen table talking. Patton just wanted them out. Remus had been acting almost crazy for a while and saying the most horrible scary things and Roman started joining in. He didn't want Thomas to grow up like that. And he didn't want Thomas to be a liar. And he didn't want Thomas to be anxious all the time. All though he knew anxiety can be good in some situations he never really thought about that at the time. And as much as he regretted it he Had to send Virgil with Remus and Deceit. And anyway he was already too close with the pair to have separated

He  thought it was the right thing to do.
But he'd never been more wring.

He didn't give the poor guy an explanation. Just packed his bag and go with the others , Thomas was only 6 or 7 at the time,
Meaning Anxiety had the mentality, and looked 7. He'd never forget his big brown eyes looking at him confused and almost scared.

Logan tried to convince him. But he wouldn't listen. He wanted what was best for Thomas. But he didn't know that it's better to balance everything out, Virgil proved anxiety could be okay sometimes. Deceit showed That sometimes a lie can save your skin.
Yeah Remus is just Remus.

Patton sat in the living room chewing on his thumbnail staring into space.
He could feel little tears welling up but he tried his best not to cry. He has only then noticed that he had gotten half way through 'The Princess and The Frog' without even paying attention.

Suddenly he heard someone walk in from the hallway. He sniffed and tried to rub his eyes.
He sighed in relief. Logan
"Are you okay?" Logan said trying to take a look at him. He looked away, something he never did.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine just watching a movie." He said trying his best to sound cheerful. But Logan was nia boyfriend and could read him like a book. "I don't think that's true at all " Logan said pushing his glasses back up against his nose and sitting down putting his arm loosely around Patton's shoulders. Patton lay his head on his shoulder. His heart was racing as he quickly thought over everything in his head. Logan would think he's crazy, Roman would probably throw a hissy fit and Virgil... gosh he had no idea what Virgil would think. But he knew he had to try, he's been guilt racked about  everything ever since Virgil had the nightmare.

"Logan?" He spoke softly and he was surprised Logan could ever hear him after he looked down and mumbled a quite little "yeah?"
"How fast do you think we could get the others to come here tomorrow?"
Logan's face was first confused, then shocked, then baffled. But then he scrunched his nose and replied.
"Maybe about noon tomorrow?"
Patton lay down in Logan's arms. One of the main reasons he loved Logan.
He never doubted him and put up with his utter insane ideas  even if they could butt heads an awful lot.

Noon tomorrow. He thought.
Noon tomorrow he would try hold a white flag up high, he would finish what he had unintentionally started.
He would end the war with the dark sides.
Even if it killed him

Word count 655 words

Hey! Hope yous enjoyed. Quick little update cause I haven't posted in a while. Hope everyone's doing well.

Anyway what do yous think? I know it's a bit short but it's just a nice little filler

So Patton was the one who banished the Dark sides. Looks like they weren't really wrong for hating him so much, that's why they wanted to take over the light sides.

Also some logicality for yous cause they cute :)

Anyway hope you all enjoyed. I'll try update again soon just if I'm not studying I'm doing drama, or to tired to do anything really.

Anyway please vote if you enjoyed and please some comments! Comments make my day and I always try my best to reply if I get a chance

Until next time guys gals and non binary pals

Peace ✌️👌🖤🦥

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