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After a while (a really long while) things finally started looking up. It took some getting used to. A lot of fights, reasoning, compromises and ground rules but they got through it all.

Deceit and Virgil finally started to become friends again. After some witty banter and a few deep conversations, things were like now they used to be. But better. He actually found himself and Deceit getting along much better then they ever did when they lived in the "dark side" of the mind palace. They would chat even till all hours in the night while Deceit sat watching Virgil draw. Virgil started drawing a lot. Not necessarily his old stuff he used to do. Dark and gloomy. Patton had gotten him a new set of pencils as a surprise because his olds ones were all broken and really hard to work with. He couldn't have been more appreciative and threw his arms around Patton and grinned ear to ear for a solid 10 minutes.
But him and Deceit would never be boyfriends again. He That for a fact. They worked so much better as friends. Best friends, well second best. Patton would be crushed if he came second.

Even Remus got on well with everyone. Him and Roman got used to the whole brother thing. Really used to it. One minute they'd be hurling insults at each other like daggers. (And occasionally actually Hurl stuff at each other. In the first week of living together Roman put an extra Lock on his door and a lot of dinner plates had been smashed.)
But now 2 months later they started getting on really well. They even started singing together and writing songs. And when everyone else was busy would watch Disney movies together. They still have their moments, but most siblings do.

As for Roman and Virgil. It's going okay. It took a while for them to start talking again. Mostly because Virgil was scared to make the first move, and Roman was pretty stubborn. But soon enough Roman was nodding and smiling at him again. And eventually started a light-hearted conversation about something Virgil couldn't really remember. He thinks it was the time he complimented his nightmare before Christmas Hoodie.

They eventually started talking again. Laughing cracking jokes. Last week on movie night Virgil had fallen asleep on his shoulder without even knowing and was woken up to Deceit looking at him grinning ear to ear, trying to hold a laugh. When Virgil looked at him he gave him to big thumbs up. Virgil was blushing like crazy. But he didn't really feel like moving. He was happy to be close to Roman again.

He didn't know what would happen between him and Roman. He didn't know if they'd ever be like they were before. In a romantic sense. Because they were never really boyfriends to begin with.
But he won't rush himself. He needs his own time and he knows that now. He doesn't have to please anyone else. And if Roman really cares about him he will be willing to wait until he's okay with it. If not he's not worth it.

As for Logan and Patton it's been same old same old. Logan's himself like always and he's getting on well With the old dark sides even if Remus can agitate him sometimes. Same with Patton as happy as ever now everyone else is happy.

Even Deceit and Remus slowly but surely are getting used to each other. Not buddy buddy, but getting there. At the start they couldn't be in the same room. It wasn't like now Remus and Roman were. They didn't argue like crazy. Virgil is almost positive no one gave them time to. As soon as One realised the other was in the room with them there would be an unbearable silence and tension hung in the air until either Patton or Logan would ask one of them to do something or start up a conversation so they wouldn't have to talk to each other.
And suddenly without warning they must occasionally talked. Not long conversations or really friendly. They just got to tolerate each other. And everyone was grateful for that. Especially Virgil.

And Virgil. He's happy. All his family living together getting on with each other. He doesn't feel torn anymore. He's not up and night thinking about all his worries or coming into his room crying and crying. He feels a sense of peace now. Something he hasn't felt in a long time. It's felt like a life time since he first came to the light side. An absolute life time.

He lay sitting on the floor in his room. He was drawing with his new colours. He was humming away to "The Light Behind your eyes." From MCR. One of his favourite songs when the door open. And a person wearing a Red hoodie walked in.
"Hey Emo Nightmare."
"Hey Princey" Virgil responded taking out his earbuds and grinned. That had become their little joke. Casual nicknames teasing each other.

"We're all about to watch the movie now, are you coming?"
"Course I am" Virgil said about to close his note book.
"Wait lemme see!" Roman said plonking himself down.
Virgil blushed a little. He wasn't fully finished but he didn't really mind Roman looking.

Roman scanned the paper that Virgil has used pencil to split into seven different sections.
"Virgil is this.. our..?" Roman tried to find the write words.
"Logos". Virgil finished the sentence for him. "I just thought it be a bit of fun to do. The heart with glasses is Patton, the Brain with glasses is Logan, your the castle, I'm the storm cloud, Deceit is the 2 headed snake, and I still have to come up with an idea for Remus."

Roman looked again. "It's really cool Virg. But I think for Remus it should be a mallet with a moustache considering when he first showed up that's what he knocked me out with!"

The pair laughed as Virgil cleaned up his pencils. And they both got up. Roman has decided to race Virgil back
To the living room. As they both rushed in, Remus and Deceit, who were sitting closely together on the floor. (They for some reasons didn't ever sit on the couch and always sat on the floor) and Virgil could have sworn he seen their hands together but pull apart.
"Took you both some time" Remus said sticking his tongue out at the pair." Roman gave him a finger but grinned and sat down on the couch and Virgil flopped down beside him. From across the room where they were sitting Deceit and Remus , when Roman wasn't looking, started pulling kissy faces at him." Virgil rolled his eyes and mimicked their actions.

Then finally Patton and Logan walked in with popcorn. "Hey you two," Patton said turning on the Tv. He got it set up and then, Lilo and Stitch started playing. And he sat down next to Logan.

Virgil grinned and sat back close to Roman. Smiling softly to himself.

The End.

Thank you all so much. I have been debating so much how to end this story and I decided an Epilogue would be best. Set 2 months after the last chapter.

So everyone is finally getting along. Deceit and Virgil made amends, Remus and Roman now have a brother and even Deceit and Roman don't hate each other's guts.

I didn't know 8 months ago this book would get as much love as it has. I'm so grateful for everyone
Who's read, voted and commented on this story. So thank you all so much.

This won't be the last from me tho! I have some more ideas that hopefully once I get enough inspiration will put out there to show the world!e.

And as for future story's and FanFiction please everyone let me know right now

If I was (not saying I will only maybe) write a Danger Days FanFiction, as in Danger days from MCR would you want to read it? Let me know

Thank you all so much for all your love and support


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