(31)We'll Be okay💛

843 41 15


Is an incomparably valuable multi-purpose tool that is instrumental in identifying and solving any problem. If your worried about getting hurt, then seek knowledge. It is our greatest weapon. And our greatest defence.

"Wow Logan that's really lovely...and speaking of seeking Knowledge WHERE IS PATTON?!"


If you know you know.

Anyway on with the chapter.

(Deceits pov💛)

Deceit sat in the dark sides living-room. He had been pacing the floor like a wild animal not long  beforehand. He was restless. Remus had decided to take it upon himself trying to recruit Roman too the dark sides. But deceit wasn't stupid. He knew Remus like the back of his own hand. He knew deep down, deep deep DEEP down among all the anger he had for the light sides he really did want to know his own twin brother.

Deceit Sat on the sofa Chewing on his fingernails, it felt like forever since Remus had left. He sat there pacing the floor like a wild animal. Tried to distract himself by eating some food. That didn't work, then tried watching tv
Didn't work.

Roman was their only hope. Virgil was convinced he was not a dark side anymore.
And maybe if Roman was as angry as he seemed he would help simply out of spite.

It could have Been hours and hours maybe even just a few minutes but suddenly Remus showed in the living room.
"Well?!" Deceit said spinning around.
"No luck". Remus snapped harshly. And with that slammed off into his bedroom.
Deceit stood their stunned. But he sighed and knew it wasn't his fault.
He always missed his brother. Always. He always wished he had a close relationship with him. But of course that was never really possible.

Deceit moved himself of the couch. He walked down the little hallway and opened Deceits bedroom door. His room was a cluttered mess. Tatted musicals posters filled the room. Playbill books old with pages torn. The only one that was still pristine was the one he kept on a little shelf above his bed. His Hamilton and In the heights one. So like Roman but so different In almost every way.
"Re?" Deceit said opening. The Door.
Remus sniffed wiping his eyes with the back of his knuckles. "I'm fine" his voice says cracked and sad, and he curses to himself.
Deceit sighs and walks over. He sits beside Remus on the bed and wraps his arm around him pulling him close. Remus let's him and sniffs again as his head is buried into Deceits chest. Deceit already knows he's crying even though he's trying his hardest not to.
"It's okay Re" he says softly. We'll be okay"

Word count 464

I am
So sorry
This was horrible
This is bad
I might take it down and do it again.
Oh my god it's bad.
I just really wanted to get a little filler out.
But I didn't know it be this bad wtf.
I have excuses anyway
I have exams in 3 weeks and I'm stressed guys.
Watch me fail EVERYTHING
the Irish education system is stupid.
Anyway I'm not going to ask if yous enjoyed cause I already know the answer

I'll try update soon
(I say that and watch me not post for another month.)


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