(30) Lets Make A Deal❤️

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Roman sat on his chair as his brother looked around his room in wonder, he acted like he had never a room so clean and perfect before, that struck Roman a little odd, he looked and each and every poster he had of Disney characters and musicals ,he looked at his books with extreme care but once he went to pick one up Roman snapped. "Put that Back!" He said jumping from his chair and snatching it back and placing it back in its shelf carefully.
"Okay clam yourself", Roman said, pretending to act like he didn't care but Roman saw his cheeks heat up and he looked embarrassed.

"What are you doing here Remus." Roman said. He was getting annoyed now. "Your not here for some family reunion so just get on with it."
"That's a bit of a harsh presumption." Remus said raising his brow.
Roman rolled his eyes. He knew his own brother and the dark sides to well to know he wasn't here to finally reconcile with his brother. He was up to something.
"What's the deal your up to Remus." Roman said trying his best to sound authoritative. "Tell me what you want and leave."
Remus face scrunched up slightly. Roman couldn't tell if he was trying to suss out Roman or to make this 'plan' sound appealing.

"Well what if I need a little bit of help with something?"
Roman rolled his eyes. He knew he was leaking into a dangerous territory. He knew right there and then he had to tell Remus to leave, that he didn't want anything to do with the plan and. Remus could get into people's heads. But part of him was curious to see as to what he had to offer.

"What is your plan". Roman said rocking back on his chair.
"Well we all know what happened between you and Virgil."
Roman felt a part of his heart sink.
"How did you know?" Roman asked.

"Well My dear brother I was apart of it all." "He was still with Deceit when he kissed you. And Goodness only knows why he would ever do that. No offence."
"Yeah none taken." Roman said taking offence.
"Well The only Reason was because I kissed Deceit and he got super jealous"

Romans heart sank to the floor. He didn't do it because he liked him. He did it in a moment of anger and hurt.
Roman was his "I'm hurt so here's someone to distract me from that until I'm better."

Roman looked over and Remus. He had a glint in his eye. He was getting to him. Surely this couldn't be true. But maybe it was. The night when he told Roman Deceit kissed his Brother he had kissed him. Then Roman thought that they would end up together and they didn't. And that whole time he lied. He lied that he wanted to be good. Deceit had sent him to the light side as a part of a plan to take over.

"So." Remus said after he had given Roman a moment to think. "This is why I need your help."
"With what." Roman said and his voice was beginning to shake slightly.
"You hate Virgil. I hate Virgil."
Roman sighed. He didn't hate Virgil. That's a strong word.
"Well maybe not hate." Remus said as if he had read his mind. "Just strongly dislike at this moment."
He said it in a really sarcastic tone making quotation marks with his fingers. Roman chuckled. 
Remus grinned seemingly delighted with himself.
"So my proposition for you." Remus said sitting back down on Roman's bed, after standing awkwardly for a few minutes, cracking his fingers.
"Is that you help me."
Roman looked at him. He should have said no. He shouldn't have asked to help him with what. He gets into your head and you can't get him out.
"With what." Roman said. He was to intrigued now.
"Taking down Virgil. And eventually the light sides."
He just had to say no. Tell him to go and it would all be okay.
"But I'm a light side." Roman said.
"Well obviously not you." Remus said rolling his eyes but chucked to show he was only Kidding around.

"Look Roman. You and I both know you can be treated like dirt. I've seen it. They didn't tell you anything that was going on for no good reason. They separate us for no reason. They do stuff , Patton Virgil and Logan just do their happy and happy think Thomas is okay. Virgil's pushes away enough of your ideas if he doesn't like them and what does Patton and Logan do? Agree! Why? He was a dark side wasn't he? Why do they trust him and not you?"

Romans head was spinning. Well the room was. He felt Dizzy and sick. He was being asked to betray his best friends by his evil fucking twin. If that's not some sort of Disney shit he didn't know what was. Well not Disney. More like some stupid fan fiction that's just all over the place because the author has no clue what their writing about.

"Well?" Remus said extending his hand ready to shake on it.
Just say no.
Don't let him get inside your head.
Roman looked at him.
All he has to do is say no.
"Tell me more about what happened." He said. Remus smiled a wide tooth grinning looking a mix between an evil villain and a little kid.
He sat down cracked his fingers and said, "Well dear brother,

Where do you want me to start?"

Word count 937 words.
Hope you enjoyed!

Well Remus is up to no good again. (Also the stuff that was said He didn't do it because he liked him. He did it in a moment of anger and hurt.
Roman was his "I'm hurt so here's someone to distract me from that until I'm better." Is not actually true!! Just want to clarify that. It's Remus getting into Romans head and that's what Roman thoughts cause who doesn't love questioning weather people actually like you or not!!
Anyway happy 2020!! A whole new decade ready for me to completely fuck up. Woop.

Anyway I hope you all had a good Christmas and a happy new year.
I got such good stuff for Christmas (not bragging I'm just really really greatfull."
I'm going to see Hella Mega!!! If anyone here would be into that kind of stuff😂) I couldn't be more happy.

Anyway time for my new favourite part the
The questions! I love when I get in comments on random parts that happen so I decided to ask questions at the end for everyone to Answer.

Do you think Romans gonna accept Remus's offer?

Will him and Virgil ever reconcile?

Is Patton the bad guy?

Will the war ever end? If so how??

I hope you guys enjoyed!!

Anyway until next time Guys gals and non binary pals

Peace out🖤✌️

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