(36) Still Family💜

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Virgil jumped up and sprinted outbid the room just before Patton and Deceit could shake hands. He didn't know how to feel. His heart was racing and he couldn't breathe properly. He ran as fast as he could to the safety and comfort of his own room. He shut the door with a slam and locked it. He didn't want to talk to anyone.
Deceit still loved him. Remus had lied. Roman didn't seem like he hated him as much. And now The war between the sides was almost coming to an end.

He didn't know if he believed Them. He knew Deceit and Remus. This could all still be some plot.
He flopped himself onto the bed. Again. He always seemed to be doing h that. He lay there not really knowing what to do other than try to calm himself down.
Then a soft knock on the door. He rolled his eyes. He could only think that it was Patton. Logan wouldn't come near him when he went off in his moods. Roman didn't want to even look at him. Remus would never bother and He didn't think at this moment Deceit would.

"Go away, Patton." He said rolling over onto his side.
"It's not Patton." A voice said. Virgil looked up shocked.
"What do you want Remus?"
"And Deceit is with me"
"Just go away," Virgil said. He was in no way at all in the mood to talk to them.
"Please Virgil." Deceit said. His voice sounded muffled and horse. Like he was crying.
Virgil said nothing. And then suddenly a jiggling came from the lock of the door. Then suddenly the door opened without warning. "Remus!" Virgil said sitting up as the two walked into his room. Remus was grinning with a hair clip in his hand.
"How did you learn to do that?"
"Oh come on Virgil. I've been doing it for years since we were kids and you used to go off to your room in your strops." Remus said plonking himself on the bed. Virgil could have slapped him. He was acting like nothing was wrong. Like Virgil had not just found out all the lies he told him.
"Get off the fucking bed Remus." Deceit said noticing Virgil's expression. Remus looked at Deceit and then at Virgil. "Alright alright I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he said. "look, Virgil," Deceit said looking at him. His eyes them big brown and yellow eyes that he got lost in so many time we're staring at him again. "We want things to work out. You got your chance and we just want ours as well." "Yeah well how do I know if you're not just lying to me all over again." Virgil said and for the first time since Deceit said he still loved him looked him straight in the eyes.
"I can't do anything to convince you." Deceit said sitting down on the bed beside Virgil. "All I can ask you to do is trust me." He grabbed onto both his hands. "But right now I'm begging you to try. No matter what happens we're all still family" And he looked back at Remus who was grinning.
"Yeah we might have wanted to Strangle each other half the time but we all still grew up together, we all still kinda like each other even just a little bit after everything." Virgil laughed. And smiled at them both.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.

Hi guys! Sorry it's been a while. I haven't really had any ideas so this is just a quick filler.
In fact the next few chapters will be a little like this cause I think the story's gonna end soon. I'm not sure how soon but in the next few chapters at least.

Also just to put it out there I know the words kinda crazy right now. Things are scary and confusing and trust me I get it. But I'm sending my love to you all and hoping you all stay safe and well in this time. Just know there's gonna be an end at some point.
Please update me on how everyone is doing

I won't say to much more about it because it's a heavy subject but just please for your own Sake do what you know is best for yourself and for others

Hope you all in enjoyed.
Stay safe everyone ❤️

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