(33) The Letter💛

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Deceit started at the white piece of paper that sat on the table. His stomach dropped and he felt queezy at the sight of it. He noticed the neat swirly handwriting as soon as he took a glimpse of the thing, and wanted to tear it to shreds. But he didn't. Not yet anyway. Something was stopping him and he didn't know what. Some part of him wanted to read that letter. He was pacing the floor looking at it wondering what to do. Thank goodness Remus was in the baths. Knowing him he would have set fire to it (and probably the entire flat in the process)

To Deceit and Remus

It read. Deceit sighed and picked it up, he opened it trying to steady his shaking hands

Dear Deceit and Remus.
I don't really know where to start with this whole letter I suppose. Logan tells me I should just say it steak? Wait that doesn't make any sense. Oh wait no straight. Sorry he meant straight. Aha that's a little funny.
Anyway sorry. I suppose this whole letter is an apology. But I know I can't just write this and except you both to forgive us all for everything that happened. We isolated you 3 for no reason. And then accepted back Virgil but not you too and I won't lie we had no reason. I suppose we were all just scared. But Virgil showed me that there's no reason to be scared anymore. Yous are a valid part of Thomas just as we are, we have no reason to shut yous out.
So we want to talk properly in person.
Come to the Lights sides Living area tomorrow at noon. The both of you and maybe we can sort something out hopefully, that we can all agree on.


"Deceit?" Remus said. He stood at the entry of the living room. His hair was damp and he was in a green hoodie and grey sweatpants. "What's wrong?your hands are shaking"
"I think I'm going to be sick" Deceit said and he put his hand to his temple.  His throat has a massive lump in it like a gold ball that was stopping in from taking in air. His stomach was twisted so tight it hurt.
Remus walked over going to put his arm around him. He then saw a letter although Deceit tried to hide it as best as he could.

"What is that?" Remus said trying to snatch it out of Deceits hands." Deceit tried to pull it away quickly, "it's nothing it's nothing!" He stuttered quickly his voice shaking. He didn't know why he didn't want him to see it. Maybe because then he would have to decide what to do. But he was too slow and Remus grabbed it out of his hands.
He scanned through it quickly, Deceit did not  even have the energy to stop him in time. If he want so shocked he probably would have fought back better Remus's face scrunched up, in sadness, disgust, anger, confusion. All sorts of emotions were portrayed on his face in that moment. He grabbed the edge in an attempt to tear it up but Deceit just about managed to stop him.

"You can't be serious!" Remus yelled. "You can't actually be concidering going!"
"I don't know!" Was all Deceit could shout back." He felt like crying. "I don't know.
"Why are they asking us now?" Deceit shrugged his shoulders. He had no idea. He wished he knew.

Deceit sighed and went to the fridge. If he Kept up with this stress eating he would not be able to fit through the door by tomorrow. He grabbed some left over pasta and heated it up. Remus scanned through the letter, switching his gaze between the piece of crumpled paper in his hand and Deceit.

"So what are we going to do?" Remus said looking at Deceit hopefully.
Deceit hated having to be the one making all the shots. But he looked at Remus anxious face and sighed.
Part of him wanted to tear the letter to shreads and never speak to them again. Another part wondered if he could have found a way to get into the lights sides and strike the match to burn it down from the inside. But most of him. Almost all of him just wanted to hear them out. He was shocked that he thought that. But he did. He wanted to know why they were separated. Why they took back Virgil and not them. Why Remus was torn apart from his own brother.
He wanted answers.

"I suppose we're just going to have to go and find out."

"Deceit?"  Remus said. Looking at him.
"Yeah?" He said grabbing his leftovers from the fridge.
He sat down at the table and Remus sat opposite him.
"Promise me no matter what happens. If we go to then. Or if you just go,"- but before he could finish Deceit stopped him.

"What do you mean if I just go?"
"Oh C'mon deceit. Remus said sitting back in his chair. "We all know they hate me the most. I'm the mistake. The evil twin the villain. And even if they did take me, and I know for a fact they won't. They'll never really accept me." His voice cracked and he stopped.

Deceit looked at him and his heart had never felt so heavy. He reached out across the table and grabbed Remus's hand in his squeezing it tight.
"I'm not going to forget you Remus. Because if not going without you."

"But De"-  Remus started but Deceit cut him off.
"I'm not going without you and that's a fact. We aren't getting separated. I lost you once and that was only for a few days. I couldn't ever imagine not being with you. Your my best friend."
The pair went silent. Still gripping to each other.
But Deceit made that promise. And he meant  it.

Hello. I tried to write this 3 TIMES AND IT DELETED EVERY Time. Anyway.

Sorry it's been a hot minute. I just finished my exams today. So I'm really happy to have my life back and I'm so excited to be able to go out with my friends and have fun again instead of sitting over textbooks studying for 3 hours every night.
Also IN SEEING MCR IN JUNE!! My sister got a ticket before the prices went sky high (fuck you ticketmaster) and I've never been more happy in my life. And then a
Anyway enough about me how are you all?

Question time.

What do you think will happen?

Will they finally finish the war with the light sides?

Will Deceit and Remus be separated?

Also a bit more light into Remus. He's actually really sad underneath it all. My bb

Anyway I hope you enjoyed
I'm sorry he chapter isint great. I had it all ready to post and I left the chapter for about 3 seconds and it all went so I had to write half of it all over again and it's not as good as it was and I'm rly sorry about that.
I hope you enjoyed.
I'll try post more over the break if I can!


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