(24) You didnt think he meant it, Right?💜

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Virgil rushed out of the living room back to the safety and comfort of his own room. Heavy tears were flowing down his face so much so that he could hardly see where he was going. He kept trying to rub them away with the back of his hands but no such luck.

He tried not to let out the huge sob that was practically choking him escape just yet. He didn't want Patton or Logan to hear. He didn't want to talk to anyone.

Possibly ever again.

How could he do that? Slap Roman right across the face. But at the same time how could Roman do that to him? What was he living in coocoo land??

Roman saw life as some big fairy tale. Him and Virgil would fall in love and live happily ever after in the mind palace with Logan and Patton all one big happy family together forever. But he didn't even care about Virgil's feelings.

He didn't even care to think about how Virgil felt. Everything that's happened to him. He left a place he's known for so long against his free will. (Although Roman or the others don't know that.) And then the only person who he had ever cared about betrays him in the worst way possible. (That Roman knows) Then only to come back and say he loves him?

And Roman just thought Virgil would be okay after all this? He'd be completely fine no problem at all. He completely trusted himself in another relationship and to trust he wouldn't be left with his heart broken???

Is that really what Roman thought?

Virgil rushed down the hallway and opened the door to his bedroom. He slammed it shut and locked it. He started pacing the floor almost like a wild animal.

"He he hates you." A sing song voice said in the back of his mind.

"He's going to turn them all against you." The voice said again this time it didn't sound much like his own voice.

"They'll find out why you really became a light side." The voice said and now Virgil was 100% sure this voice wasn't his own.

"Then they'll leave kick you right out."

Virgil knew that voice now.

"And you'll loose them forever and ever and". It continued but Virgil cut him off.

"SHUT UP REMUS!" He yelled spinning around. Sure enough Remus was sitting there legs crossed one over the other sitting on the chair where Deceit had sat not long ago. He was wearing an old green hoodie with black sweatpants.

"What are you even doing here?" Virgil said. His heart began racing. The duke had that power on him. Get him even more anxious then he already could have ever possibly been.

"Can I not say hi to my old friend?" Remus replied in his annoying and yet creepy voice. He placed one had under his chin and pouted.
"I'm not your friend." Virgil snapped back." And remus cocked an eyebrow.
"Are you not?" He said. He swung his legs and jumped of the chair. He started walking around the room.
And all Virgil could do was watch him in silence. He couldn't form the words to get him to leave.

"Have you ever thought of just killing them all?" Remus said so casually that it sent shivers down Virgil's spine.

"You can't kill them." Virgil snapped back how voice breaking slightly.
Remus put his palm out flat. Suddenly a mental image appeared of Virgil stabbing Patton. It was so gruesome and realistic he screamed and covered his eyes.
"Stop it!" He yelled.

"Whoops." Remus said laughing. "Forgot how squeamish you were." And with that he tried to poke him in the ribs but Virgil swatted him away.

"Why are you even here Remus?"

"Well I think you would know. It's the same Reason you came here in the first place."
"So you and Deceit are still planning to take over the mind palace." Virgil said. He tried to sound confident but his vice was so shaken and he felt so scared he could only manage to croak out the words. It felt like Remus had him at a gunpoint or something. He said the wrong thing or made the wrong move something terrible would happen in seconds.

"Yes." Remus said. He sat back down on the chair after he'd walked around and inspected almost everything in Virgil's room. "And were getting stronger. Deceit has Thomas questioning his own morals and practically his sanity." He said it with a chuckle.
"And what are you doing then? Still his little lap dog following him around." Virgil snarked back. Remus shot him a look. An evil glare.

"I didn't think you'd have still been jealous of him kissing me when you's were together since you got yourself that Princey." Remus said airly. "But here we are. And you call me his lapdog?"
"He kissed you?" Virgil said clenching his fists. He was trembling.
Remus laughed. "Getting jealous are we Virgil?" He was gleaming at Virgil's jealousy.
"Well it seems stupid if he was the one who kissed you when not long ago he came here, told me he loved me and then kissed me."


Virgil's words came out in an angry tumble. Remus looked at him. For a split second Virgil saw the hurt in his eyes. But then he scoffed.

"Ye that. He did that so you'd come back and help."
The lump got bigger and bigger in Virgil's throat.
"You didn't actually think he meant it did you? I mean considering you didn't come back I thought you would have known."
Virgil went to speak but the lump had taken over him. He choked out a sob and hot tears formed in his eyes.
He didn't know why that affected him so much. He didn't love deceit anymore he didn't want anything to do with him.
But hearing that everything Deceit has said to him. Everything that he had once wanted him to say for years was a lie, it hurt him so bad.

"Get out." Virgil managed to say finally.
"But Virgil things were just starting to get interesting." Remus said giving him an evil glare.
"I said get out!" Virgil yelled.
"Okay okay I'm going I'm going."

And with that while waving goodbye he faded of into the shadows.
And the tears Virgil were holding back rushed down like a waterfall.

All he ever did now was cry.

Word count 1082

Poor Virgil he never gets a break

And my garbage man is back!! I love Remus so much

Did Remus really mean what he said? Was it all just an act?

And will I ever write one chapter where Virgil is not crying???

Hope you all enjoyed

Also speaking of reads.

Thanks again for all the support it means the world.
So please vote and comment and pleaaaaseee check out my new book.

- xoxo Author

(Also did you hear there's gonna be a remake of gossip girl?)

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