(28) Thats What Best Friends Are For💙

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Pattons heart sank when he opened up the door. Virgil say curled into a ball mumbling.
"Hey kiddo." He said softly. Virgil's Head shot up. He saw it was Patton and his faced scrunched up and that only caused his sobs to become for violent his shoulders shaking his nose running. Patton has never seen him look so distraught.
Sure as soon as he heart the conversation he was upset. He had a right to be and so did Roman. But he had no right to yell and him and call him mean names. And Patton knew Virgil. He wasn't a bad person. He was good now.

"Oh Virg." He said softly. He walked over to the bed and pulled Virgil into a hug. Virgil seemed shocked. "Y-your not m-mad at me?" He gasped out. Patton only hugged him harder.
"Of course not. Your not one of them anymore Virg." Virgil's shoulders began to shake again and he let out even more sobs.

"Romans so mad." Virgil said after he calmed down. Patton nodded slightly.
"He'll come around. It's just the shock."
"No he won't." Virgil said looking away.
"We had a huge fight. He wanted us to be together but I said no. He got an mad Patton, and I can't even blame him. He thought it's what I wanted and don't get me wrong I really like Roman but it's just Deceit-." Patton cut him off. "You still love Deceit? Patton whisper shouted. How could Virgil still love a guy like that?
"No!" Virgil said. He stopped for a moment,composing himself. "Not at all, it's just after everything that happened with him. All the emotional drama I'm just not ready for another relationship. He used me for his own Benefit even Remus said it to me. And when he came back I was stupid enough to believe him, he almost tricked me." Virgil said and pressed the back of his hand to his eyes as if literally stopping the tears.

"He came here?" Patton said shocked. No dark side had even entered the mind palace for a quick chat and cup of tea.
"Yeah. He told me he still loved me. And I believed him. He wanted me to go back with him and be together. But I didn't obviously. I thought i loved Roman. And don't get me wrong! I do it's just- I'm not ready for so much commitment again. And it turns out he didn't even mean it. He just wanted me back to use me again. And then as soon as I think Romans starting to forgive me for rejecting him Remus comes back and tells him everything."
He couldn't stop the tears now.

"You have every right to not want to be back in a relationship." Patton said grabbing Virgil's hand squeezing it tight. "You don't have to force yourself to be happy with another person. You have to learn to be happy with yourself and your own life first. Because forcing yourself into a relationship just for someone else or thinking it's going to make you happy but your actually miserable is not healthy." Patton found himself saying.
Him and his good dad advice.

Virgil didn't say anything for a minute but then launched himself forward tackling Patton in a huge bear hug. They both fell lying down on their backs laughing.

"Thanks Pat." Virgil said looking at the ceiling.
"No problem Virg." Said Patton grabbing Virgil's hand giving it another tight squeeze. "That's what Best friends are for."

( word count 596 words)
Short update
Sorry I haven't been active for a while. Last week just was not my week and I've had exams this week but I'm finishing Thursday (woo!)
Just wanted to get a little filler out.
Also the new sander sides was so good!!
Hope everyone is doing okay
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~Author x

Snake In The Grass (Sander sides)Where stories live. Discover now