(26) A family reunion.❤️

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(Romans Pov)
Betcha you weren't expecting that ooo

It was very clear to everyone that something was wrong. Everyone but Roman. Virgil was more overly anxious then usual. (And that's very bad) even Patton seemed on edge. And Logan was just as the same. The guy never really likes to show much emotion considering he wasn't much of an emotion.

That night Roman could sense in his own sleep that Thomas was tossing and turning the whole night. He heard at one point Virgil screaming and throwing something across the room. He also heard Patton walking out of his room and go to the kitchen. That was really unusual. How come he couldn't sense anything? Why just them?

The next morning when he sensed Thomas waking up. He managed to get washed and dressed and ready for some food. He opened the hallway to see Virgil walking past. He could tell straight away he hasn't had any sleep.
He gave him a smile. They hadn't talked much since their fight.

Okay they hadn't actually had any verbal communication since then.
And that was 3 weeks ago.

Virgil seemed surprised but gave a half smile back and yawned. Roman was about to ask him what was going on but he turned away from him and walked towards the kitchen.

Patton then came out ( 😉) 
Of his room looking horrible. His eyes had deep dark bags under them and he kept Yawning. "Morning kiddo." He said as he sleepily walked past Roman.

Okay what was going on.

(Okay you are all gonna kill me but please watch the newest sander sides video (intrusive thoughts.) to catch up with this part of the story.)
If your annoyed I'm sorry but I just don't to write out 41 minutes of dialogue.

Roman stood their after he had sunk back down.
He finally admitted it to Thomas. He was a dark side.
His brother was back.
He always knew Remus. He always knew what he was like. When Thomas was younger they used to share ideas and thoughts and the easiest way to say it was that Remus thoughts could be troubling.

He knew that's why they were split. He joined the light sides with Patton and Logic. And Remus stayed with Deciet.
Virgil joined them not long after.

Virgil had sunken back down. He looked like he was going to burst into tears.
"It's okay you know." Roman found himself saying. "He don't think any differently of you."
Virgil simply shrugged his shoulders.
They stood in the Sides living room. Right where their fight had happened.

"Well isn't this Romantic." A eery voice said.
Remus had appeared sitting on their couch.
Roman screamed and Virgil gasped jumping back.
"GET OUT!" He screamed grabbing a pillow and throwing at him hissing.
"Okay Virgil calm down." Remus said grinning dangerously. "I just want to have a conversation with my dear brother."
Roman was very confused now. They hadn't spoken in years. What did he want?

"What is it?" Roman said. Remus sat back crossing his feet one over the other. "Hmm."! He said pretending to stroke a beard. "Perhaps I should just let Virgil tell you?"

"Don't you dare!" Virgil hissed.
"Tell me what?" Roman said. He was scared now. "Tell me what." He repeated when he got no answer.

"Well." Remus said.
"So you never told him?"
"You know it's not true anymore."

Someone just tell me!"  Roman yelled frustrated now.

"Well you dear little boyfriend never told you did he?" 
"Remus please." Virgil begged.
"The only reason he was here in the first place was to be a snake in the grass for Deceit."
"A what?"
"A snake in a grass. A mole whatever. He was only hear to help take over the mind palace."
"GET OUT!" Virgil screamed. "JUST GET OUT!"

"Okay seesh I'm going I'm going.
Bye Roman cya soon."

And like that he disappeared.

"You what."

"Roman I swear." Virgil started but Roman cut him off.

"Don't you dare. We trusted you! And you lied to us all! To me! To Logan and to Patton!" Roman was boiling angry.

"Roman at the start it was like that but not any more I swear!" Virgil argued trying to grab his arm when he turned to walk away.
"No get off! You pushed me away and now I know everything you want to fix it!"

"Roman I swear it's not like that!"

"How can I trust a snake in the grass like you ever again?"

And with that he stormed out slamming the door.

(Word count 764 words)

I could just end the story here....

Lol dw I won't
I am so so so sorry.
This chapter was pure shit.
I always find when I have to write chapters based on episodes they are really bad :/

Anyway I hoped you enjoyed. I promise the next chapter will be a lot better. I always prefer getting these types of chapters out of the way but I knew it would be better to add in the end part rather then just telling yous to watch the episode  then leave it.

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