(25) Whats Going On

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(Thomas Pov) oohh spicy
Little different from what I usually post  I'm sorry

I can't sleep

It's like the world is caving in on me

These thoughts are whirling around my head like a nightmare I can't wake up out of this nightmare

One minute everything is fine and then the next these thoughts come hitting at me like a tidal wave.

And it's not these silly little anxiety thoughts that Virgil shares.

It's worse.

What's going on?

It's these horrible thoughts.

Killing my brother

Aunt Patty Naked?

Murdering my friends?

What's going on in the mind palace?

Why do I keep having these thoughts?

I'm supposed to be a good person.
No scratch that I AM a good person.

I can't sleep.

I don't know what to do.

Be prepared.

A fucking storm is about to hit.

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