(34) A Truce?💜

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Virgil sat on the chair he had pulled over beside the couches he tried to act calm, but inside his heart was racing and his stomach was twisted into painful knots. Patton smiles at him as he lays out the tray of cookies and juice onto the coffee table. Deceit turns his nose up at it but Remus heartedly tucks in.

Him and Deceit had made awkward eye contact several times. Each time looking away painfully embarrassed. And then Virgil catches the eye of Roman who each time was looking at him, in hurt, anger, sadness. So then Virgil just started at his lap praying for Patton to hurry the fuck up.

After Patton laid out the food on the coffee table he sat down on the sofa.


Until he cleared his throat and said.
"Well I suppose we all know why we're here."
"Yeah because 3 people in this room are back stabbing bitches" Roman chimes in." "ROMAN!" Patton yelles.
Deceit scoffs and says "I think you 'light sides, he says with an exaggerated tone, need to look in the mirror." Roman stood up angrily but Logan grabbed him and pulled him back to his seat.
"Okay we all need to calm down. And we all have Some explaining to do. And I suppose I should start.
He sighed and began.

"Listen, Deceit, Remus. I'm sorry you were all cut off from us. And you as well Virgil. When we all started growing up and yous started showing these icky sides I got scared. I didn't want Thomas to be a bad person. So what I thought Was the best was to send yous where you couldn't hurt him. And that was wrong. When Virgil cams asking to be good I was sceptical. At the start I could sense something was wrong. But I knew underneath it all from what I'd seen before he wasn't a bad guy. So I tried to make him good. I tried so hard and then he started getting on with everyone. And I knew he was good. And then I thought that maybe one side could be good the others could too. But I was still scared. And yes it's wrong. Remus and Roman never knew each other and your both brothers." Patton's voice cracked. So I'm sorry.

They all started at Patton. Virgil gave him a little smile. Deceit scoffed and Remus tried to mimic him but ended up choking on the cookie in his mouth instead.
"So what does this mean for us?" Deceit said after 5 minutes of Remus hacking and wheezing and slurping juice all down himself.
"Well I suppose." It's just a matter of us all getting used to each other,"

No no no no

Please no. Virgil said. Please don't let them come here.
He's had enough nightmare, enough terrors. Enough visions from Remus. Enough heartbreak from Deceit. At least before he could escape it. But now if they lived here he would be trapped all over again.

"Hold on." Roman said pointing at the Dark sides. "How on earth do we know weather or not this is a trap."
Deceit rolled his eyes.
"You really think we would risk our chances of being able to live here?"
"Yes well considering the fact you sent that", as he pointed at Virgil, "snake In the grass last time, I feel as though I should be sceptical."

Virgil's heart sank. He wasn't even a he to him anymore. He was a That.
He sunk down into the chair and didn't look at any of them. Tears welled up in his eyes. No matter what happened today someone's walking out of the living room not happy.
And Virgil was convinced it was going to be him no matter what happened.

Snake In The Grass (Sander sides)Where stories live. Discover now