(Im sorry again) not an update but please read

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Last chapter sucked ass bro.
I'm so sorry.
I feel like I should probably just say it now so everyone knows

If I have not updated for a few weeks
A few months
A few years
I will continue even if I die and have to come back as a ghost to type it all out.

I have (this shows how fucked the Irish education system is)
My Mocks
A big exam to prepare you for another big exam to prepare you for an even bigger exam 3 years away and the results on that  determine if you'll have a future or not.
I'm stressed and trying to study and update while keeping up  a social life (and failing)
I'm litreally cancelling all plans I'm advance until this is over and then I have to get stuck straight back into studying again for the exams thar from the time these exams are over about 3 months away maybe 4 I'm not sure I'm bad  at math.
So I want to apologise in advance. There will be times I won't post and if I do it will be shit and I will apologise a million times because I'm just like that and want yous to enjoy what your reading.
Everyone's support has really pushed me into writing more and working better on stories and it really does help
Thank you all for your love and support I really appreciate it
I'll try update soon but no promises :-)

Until next time guys gals and non binary pals

Going through this book it's currently April 20th 2020 and I'm doing a bit of editing on chapters and just an update HEHEHEHE MY JC IS CANCELLED :))

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