(35) Welcome To The Light Side💛

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Deceit looked over at Virgil. His chin rested on top of his chest and he looked defeated after Romans comment.
"Don't talk to him like that." He snapped. The room fell silent.
"Excuse me?" Roman said shocked. He probably didn't expect people to talk back to him the spoiled brat. Deceit thought to himself.

"It wasn't Virgil's fault. He didn't have a choice but to come and spy on you all. He didn't want to go, but I, I forced him and told him it be for us."
The room fell silent before Deceit continued.

"And then I saw how happy he was. He started getting on with everyone. And then I got so angry and jealous. I told him that you would all be better off without him, he believed me. So that's why he left and Thomas had no anxiety.
Then we just stopped talking. And I was so pissed one night and Remus tried to comfort me. Remus kissed Me Virgil. I swear he did. And then you saw when you came back to find me. And then I went back to try expaline and you were kissing Roman."

Deceit paused for a breath. If he kept going he'd start crying and never be able to stop. He looked at Virgil who was looking at him biting at his black nails. They made eye contact and Virgil looked away tears pricking in his eyelids. Deceits heart was pounding. He should have stopped there. But he had to explain.
"That night I came back for you. I meant it Virgil I love you. I wanted you to come back and things to be the way they were before. I couldn't stand it without you there with me."

Deceit regretted those words as soon as they escaped his lips. He glanced at Remus who's face screwed up. But didn't look at him. He didn't mean he didn't like it there with Remus. He just missed having Virgil there.

"But he didn't come back." Deceit said looking at Roman, he was getting angry and practically spat Venom when he looked Roman dead in the eyes. "He didn't come back because he was in love with you. He didn't go through with his plans because he loved this place too much. He didn't want to risk loosing it."

Silence again.
"Virgil." Roman said. But Virgil didn't look at him. Virgil's face was confused and for the first time in months he looked Deceit dead in the eyes. Then he looked at Remus.

"You told me he didn't mean it!" He practically shouted. "You told me he said it so I would come back and help with the plan!"
"What!?" Deceit shouted and looked at Remus. Anger boiled up inside him. Why the fuck would he do that?"
"Remus what the fuck?" Deceit shouted.

"I was jealous!" Remus shouted. "I tried manipulating him to come back. I didn't know you had already tried and then he said you kissed him and told him you were in love with him and I got jealous and I lied! Remus shouted back trying not to cry.

Deceit could only just stare at him shocked. He wanted to be angry but he couldn't. If it had been before he probably would have strangled him. But looking at him now he didn't have the heart to be angry.
Deceit flopped back onto the chair and sat there.

"Well". Patton said.
"That was, em eventful."
Logan rolled his eyes. "Has everyone said their piece?"
A grunt and a nod from the others.
"Well I suppose the only way to settle this would be to offer you both a room here in the light side. And an input on control while helping Thomas with Life in general. If you's would still be happy to be here?

Deceit looked over at Remus who seemed shocked. Remus was convinced they'd never let him stay with them. The night before Deceit heard him crying in his room. He would have went in but he knew Remus. That would make him even more upset and embarrassed. He had said to him that morning before smashing a mug that.
"At least your somewhat good. I'm just a nuisance."

Deceit and him looked at each other  and gave a small nod.
"If you'll still have us." Deceit said and couldn't help but break into a grin when he saw Remus face. The amount of happiness and excitement.

Patton gave a grin. "Well then it's settled. "Deceit, Remus, welcome to the light side."
He went up to shake his hand or hug him. Deceit wasn't sure what, because before he could Virgil stood up and sprinted out of the room.

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