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A few days had passed since Sebastian left for Los Angeles and surprisingly enough he had called me everyday since then. I did feel slightly better but I wouldn't say I was okay, because I was far from it.

My phone rings as I smile, knowing it was Sebastian doing his daily ritual, "Dani! How are you?"

"I'm good. Working from home this week which is a relief. How are things in Los Angeles?", I ask him as I sit down at the edge of the staircase. "Pretty hectic but with the wedding so soon it's understandable"

"Has Kara turned into bridezilla yet?", I laugh, joking with him. I hear him laugh, but it didn't sound genuine, "Not yet—she's been pretty bossy though"

"Sounds like bridezilla to me"

"Wouldn't you be like that on your wedding day?", he teases me. I scoff as I press my phone closer to my ear, "No way! I'm a simple girl"

"Simple? Huh?"

"Are you mocking me, Sebastian Stan?", I ask him as I grab my coat and close my front door behind me. I start to walk down the sidewalk, passing a few boutique shops as I continue speaking with Sebastian. "I don't think I was mocking you?", he says questioningly. I laugh as I kick a piece of snow out of my way. "Are you nervous?", I ask him suddenly. "More so now then I was before, if I'm being completely honest"

"It's normal. You're getting married!", I exclaim as I turn the corner. I hear him sigh on the other end of the phone, a moment of hesitation clear in his tone, "Yeah, I guess", he says slowly. I furrow my eyebrows as I stop walking, "Is everything okay, Sebastian?", I ask him as I bite down on my lip.

"Yeah—Yeah. Everything is perfect. Listen, I have to go. I'll try and call you tomorrow. Bye, Dani", he says suddenly. Before I was even given a chance to answer him back the phone line went silent; he hung up.

I sigh in frustration as I walk back to my house, knowing full well that Sebastian was not okay. He might have been able to fool the people around him but not me. He wasn't as happy and cheerful as he used to be when I first met him. His smile didn't reach his eyes anymore. In all honesty, I was worried. I wanted to help him, as a friend, but Kara would have me hunted down if I even stepped foot in Los Angeles a week and a half before hers and Sebastian's wedding.

It was hard to not think about him, or them. They graced the cover of every magazine in New York and it was inevitable to avoid them. My sister was still on her honeymoon but FaceTimed me not even twenty four hours after she landed in Aruba so she could ask me about Sebastian and what had been going on and what had happened at the hall.

It took a few hours but I explained everything to her; from the moment we met, up until now and everything in between. A few tears were shed and my sister looked at me with sad eyes as Devon joined in on the call. They kept me company on the phone for a few hours before bidding me a goodnight.

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