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*Read the authors note at the end, it's very important!!*>>>>

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*Read the authors note at the end, it's very important!!*

It has been an entire month since I discovered the truth, and since then my life has become a never ending nightmare. I barely slept anymore and I had cut off all and any contact with the people I knew. I kept to myself and only went out when I absolutely needed to. In the month since I found out everything was a dream, I had fallen down a deep, dark, hole. I was unrecognizable, not only in appearance but personality wise too. The house, which was always clean, was turned upside down, and my bedroom was left intact from the day I woke up and everything began. I hadn't touched a single thing in that room, and I haven't gone back in it ever since that day.

I shudder just thinking of it. How is it possible for something so real to be a complete lie and a dream? How did a simple dream feel like an eternity. None of it made sense, and though I had an entire month to figure things out, I was never able to comprehend how and why this happened. Sebastian was all over the news with Kara, and my heart broke every time I saw him. I wished it was all some sick nightmare and that I'd wake up any minute to find Sebastian beside me, and that beautiful ring sitting on my finger, but I don't.

I'm doomed to live my life without the man I had fallen so deeply in love with, yet it was all in my head, the whole time. The more I admitted it to myself the more insane I sounded. I was so sleep deprived that I was barely able to function anymore. To others this may have seemed exaggerated, but to me it wasn't. I had created an entire life that didn't even exist. How is one supposed to cope with something like that? Does stuff like this even happen to people?

The ringing of my doorbell woke me from my daze and I quickly try and comb trough my knotted hair with my fingers. I rush towards the door and squint as the bright light blinds my vision momentarily. "Package for Daniella?", the man says.

"Oh I didn't order anything—"

"Says here this package is to be delivered to a Daniella at this exact location", the man says as he places the box in my hands and walks away. I open and close my mouth like a fish before sighing and closing my door. I sit on the couch and look at the box, the location from where it was sent reading New York. I grab a scissor and cut through the tape as I pry open the box, an envelope neatly placed on top of whatever was in the box. I turn the envelope over and in neat cursive writing was my name.

I open the envelope and pull out a letter.

Dear Daniella,

It's been quite a while since we spoke, but I just wanted to make sure you're doing all right. I decided to close down the shop seeing as my old age is catching up to me and I can no longer maintain it on my own. Anyways, I hope all is well with you and that boy, what was his name again? Sebastian! He seemed like such a lovely young man and I do hope that the two of your are doing okay. I miss seeing your beautiful face, darling. It was so refreshing seeing you come by the shop every week. You're like a granddaughter to me, and I do hope we can see each other soon. Goodbye for now.

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