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"Are you going to answer?", Chris says after a moment of silence. I look back and forth between my phone and the guys as I contemplate what to do. "I can't do this—I can't do this", I say as I slam my phone on the kitchen counter. I storm out of the kitchen and up to my room as I slam the door shut. I rush into my bathroom and close the door behind me, locking it. I open the faucet and immediately splash my face with water.

I can't believe she has the audacity to call me after everything she's done to me, after abandoning me and leaving me without a family for months. She has no right to do that, to infiltrate my life at a time where I'm slowly starting to find myself and pick up the pieces and start anew. A time where I'm learning to put myself first and a time where I've finally found the people I work best with, who actually love and care for me, something I've never felt before.

"Dani? Dani open the door please", I hear Sebastian beg from the other side of the bathroom door. I stay silent as I stare at myself in the mirror, my eyes red and droopy. "I just need a moment alone, please", I say as I slam my hands on the counter. "She called again"

"Don't answer it", I reply.

"Okay. We'll be out here when you're ready. I love you", he sighs as I hear him walk away. "I love you too", I whisper as I sit down on the floor. I sat there for a good ten minutes, crying and then just sitting in silence. I felt better by crying, and when I knew I felt okay to go out, I did.

I open the bathroom door and exit my room as I walk down the stairs. "Seb? Where's my phone", I call out as I get down the last step. Sebastian rounds the corner and hands it to me. 4 missed calls. I swipe the notifications away and close my phone as I sit down on the couch.

"Hey, are you okay?", Anthony says as he sits next to me. I nod my head as I play with the hem of my sweater. "Dani? It's okay to cry, you know? You don't have to hold it all in and suffer in silence. We're here for you"

"I know. It's just—", but I stop myself, knowing full well that if I continued to speak I'd break down. "It's just what?", Anthony says softly. I sniffle as I look up and straight ahead of me. "It's just—I don't understand how she could hate me that much. It's not my fault that she conceived me with another man, how can she blame me for something that I couldn't control? She puts all the blame on me, treated me like actual trash, and now she's calling me? That's not fair. Not in the slightest bit. She lied to me for twenty four years and took away twenty four years of growing up with and getting to know my real father, who turns out to be such an amazing man"

"The good thing about all of this though, is that you were able to remove all the toxicity in your life, meet your real father, and find new friends and a boyfriend who loves you more than anything in this world. In life, there will always be bad, but the good evidently evens it out and now your living through the good. Yes, what you went through wasn't easy, and I can't even begin to imagine how hard it must be for you, but you're stronger because of it, and because of it you're finally able to live your life for you and you're finally able to be happy", Anthony says as he hugs me. I wipe away my tears as I hug him back, "Thank you so much, Mackie. You've truly become such an important person in my life and I'm so grateful that I have you in it. You're the absolute best and I love you"

"I love you too, tiny"

"Tiny?", I laugh as I pull away from our hug. He laughs as he pulls back too, "You're tiny, so that's my nickname for you now"

"Oh god"

"But seriously, Dani, all three of us love you so much and we're here for you, always. The past is the past, so live in the present and enjoy your new life, because you deserve it more than anyone I know"

"Thank you so much. I love you guys"

"We love you too!", I hear from behind us as Chris and Seb attack us. "I love you boys with all my heart", I say as we hug each other. "You love me more right?", Sebastian asks me with his eyebrow raised, "Yes, Seb, I love you the most", I laugh as I hug them again.

"I love you idiots"

"I love you jerks"

"I love you punks"


It's still not 2020 over here but I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year!! I hope this new year brings you all happiness, health and success. Here's to a brand new year full of happiness, health, laughter, opportunities, success, and growth!! Make this year YOUR year!! ~Sabrina ❤️

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