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^^ I love these dorks with all my heart

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^^ I love these dorks with all my heart


"Sebastian? Sebastian wake up!", I laugh as I try and shake a snoring Sebastian. The plane had just landed and instead of Sebastian waking me up, I had to wake him up, and so far nothing was working. "Sebastian wake up!"

"Ma'am you're going to have to wake him up, all the other passengers are off the plane", the flight attendant informs me with a fake smile. I smile back and turn to look at Sebastian. I hold my finger up to the fight attendant, telling her to give me one minute. She nods her head and leaves as I look at my beloved boyfriend who just wouldn't wake up. I grin as an idea comes to mind and I slowly lean down to kiss him. He kisses back before opening his eyes, looking confused, "What's happening?"

"The plane landed, Seb. We're the last people on the plane", I laugh as I stand up to pull my bag out from the overhead compartment. He gets up too and stretches out his arms, letting out the cutest yawn. I smile at him as we get off the plane to find the rest of my luggage. Sebastian walks over to the baggage claim and rushes to grab all three of my bags before anyone else could take them by mistake.

"Thank you", I say as I kiss him. He smiles at me before motioning for me to follow him. We find the exit as Sebastian walks up to a black car, that was far too beautiful. "You called a cab?"

"Better", he smiles as he opens the door. "Would you shut up, they're going to be here any second—oh! Hey guys", two voices say from inside the car. I scoot in to sit in the backseat as I get a clear view of the two people inside the car. They both turn around in their seats to look at us as Sebastian closes the car door. I sit there unable to register what's happening as Sebastian greets his best friends nonchalantly.

I on the other hand was internally hyperventilating as I grab Sebastian's hand, squeezing it tightly. "And you must be, Dani. It's a pleasure to meet you", Chris speaks first as he extends his hand out for me to shake. I take his hand and shake it as I smile, "It's very nice to finally meet you!"

"So you're the girl that's been making our sexy seabass happy?", Anthony laughs as he high fives me. I shake my head as I turn to look at Sebastian who was blushing. "That's me! It's very nice to meet you, Anthony"

"Likewise. Now can we get out of this airport please? If I have to spend five more minutes next to this guy I'm going to lose it", Anthony jokes as he nudges Chris. I turn to Sebastian and mouth an oh my god as he shakes his head.

"Anthony, can you move your seat up?", Sebastian asks him as he pushes the passenger seat with his hands. I mentally scream as I wait for Anthony to answer him back, hopefully with the answer I had in mind. "No"

"You did not just quote your own characters", Chris says as he looks at Sebastian through the rear view mirror. "They really did", I finally say. "So, Dani, tell us a little bit about yourself"

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