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Sebastian remains in his place as he registers what I had just said. He was one of two people who knew how hard these past few months have been for me and how much it's affected me, so he knew how I was coping. "Are you serious?"

"Remember the detective I told you about?", I ask him as I pat the spot next to me and in front of me so the guys could sit. Sebastian nods his head as he motions for me to continue speaking, "Well he called me—"

"He called you?! What does he want?!", Sebastian cuts me off even before I could finish speaking. I place my hand on his to calm him down as I continue to speak, "He called me and explained how he thought there was no way I was his since he and my mom had already broken up when I was born and she was with someone else; that someone being the man I thought was my real father but isn't"

"So why does he think he's your father all of a sudden? Last time you saw him he was adamant that he wasn't", Sebastian says skeptically. I sigh and nod my head, "I thought that too, but he said how he found more pictures of him and my mom together and when I told him that my father wasn't really my father he thought that there might be a slight possibility that he's my real dad"

Sebastian shakes his head as he looks at Anthony and Chris, "So what does he want?"

"He wants to meet up in person so we can talk and get some tests done to see if he's actually my father", I tell them as I look down at my lap, "So what are you going to do? You can't go back home, I won't let you. It's too toxic for you", Sebastian says worriedly.

"He offered to come here"

"No way! What if he's some creep. You hardly know him", Chris intervenes, "Then we'll go with her when he comes", Anthony adds on. "You'll scare him off"

"He's a detective, I'm sure he's been in worse situations", Sebastian scoffs. I shake my head, "Fine—listen, it's a lot to take in right now so I think I'm just going to lay down for a bit"

"Rest as much as you want. We'll wake you up when supper is ready", Anthony smiles as he pats my leg. "What did you guys do today?", I ask them as Sebastian drapes a blanket over my body. "Nothing!", all three of them answer simultaneously. I look at them suspiciously as they avoid eye contact with me, "You're all awful liars"

"We're not lying!", Chris says as his face turns pink, "Mmh sure", I laugh as I lean my head on the pillow. I close my eyes as I try and rest, hearing the boys' voices in the background. "She can't find out", Chris says

"And she won't!", Sebastian answered him back. "Could you guys not talk about this so close to her! Let's talk in the kitchen", Anthony says, as sleep consumes me.


*one week later*

"Boys! Hurry up please, we're going to be late!", I panic as I push them out the front door. "Dani, beautiful, calm down please, take a deep breath", Sebastian tries to calm me down, but I ignore him. "Please! This is a very important day, okay? Today I find out if he's really my father"

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