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My sister had stayed with me to keep me comfort but I had finally convinced her to get back to her husband and enjoy her time as a married woman. I didn't want her to stay with me all day long and watch me sulk, and I didn't want my mood to rub off on her.

I wish I could say I'm fine, but I'm not. I felt empty inside, I felt betrayed, alone, lost. Sebastian was getting married tomorrow and that wasn't helping with the way that I was feeling right now. I realized that maybe I did have feelings for him and that these feelings I had—have for him, are actually stronger than I thought.

I answered his texts but I never received a reply after that. I mean, it's understandable. He's getting married tomorrow and I think I'm the last person he's worrying about right now. I called in sick for work today and the rest of the week. I was never the type of person who liked taking unnecessary days off but I didn't want to go into work when I wasn't capable of putting in the effort and doing the job right.

Today had been spent in bed, sleeping the majority of the time. I felt exhausted and it seemed like no amount of sleep would reenergize me. My mom hasn't contacted me since yesterday and in some way, no matter how much I was hurting, I was kind of glad that she didn't. She lied to me about something so important, and there's no way I could ever forgive her for that. I lost out on twenty-four years of getting to know my real father. She took that away from me and it's a time in my life I won't ever be able to get back.

It was nearing nighttime now when suddenly something came to mind. I jolted up in my bed as my heart began to race with both excitement and anxiety. I think for a few minutes before nodding my head, deciding that I indeed was going to go through with my plan; I was going to find out who my real father was.


"Dani, are you sure about this? What if it's not the right guy?", Jessica tells me as she points to the papers in my hand. I stayed up all night researching and trying to find any leads as to who my father is and where he could be. "Listen, I was able to find records of the day I was born and I found a picture. There's mom, me and some guy. He could be my father"

"It could be a friend or a family member", Jessica sighs as she holds up my sheets of paper. "Wait a second—", I say slowly as I grab the paper from my sisters hands. My eyes widen as I tap the paper, "Look! Look at the necklace around his neck!"

My sister looks at the picture and then back at me, confusion written all over her face, "So? It's just a necklace". I roll my eyes as I look at the picture again, "Jess, that's not just any necklace. Look—I have the same one"

"Do you think he's—you know?", she asks me. I shrug my shoulders, "He could be. But all we have is a picture"

"Not exactly", my sister chimes in as she perks up. "Look at his sweater, Dani", she smiles at me as she hands me back the photo. I look closer and notice a badge on his sweater, "He's a cop? That narrows it down to about anywhere in New York", I sigh rubbing my temples. "We can go to the closest police department and ask them if they know who he is. It's a lead, Dani"

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