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I sold the house

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I sold the house. It was such a hard decision to make but it just had to be done, because I could no longer go home and feel safe and relaxed. Coming home to that environment the past couple of months brought so much pain and dreadful memories of what my life had turned out to be, and I couldn't take it anymore. Not being able to find my real dad and being pushed away by the only man who could be him was just too much and it was the final straw.

I place the last box filled with my things in the backseat of my car as I lean against the car door, looking up at a house that only just yesterday was mine. I sigh as I look at the for sale sign nailed into my front lawn. I give the house one last glance and get into my car, leaning my head against the steering wheel.

My sister was out of town so I couldn't stay with her and my moms house was out of the question, so I was stuck placing all of my belongings in a storage room for the time being while I stay at a hotel until I can find my new forever home.

Sebastian was most probably a married man right now, and it finally dawned on me as I pulled into the parking lot of the hotel.  I quickly get out and find my key to my room, unlocking it. The room was very clean and cozy which was perfect for a temporary home. The moment I close and lock the hotel door behind me it all comes crashing down.

All the emotions and everything I've been going through the past few months finally hit me like a tidal wave. A huge sob escapes my mouth as I slide down to the floor. The tears violently fall from my eyes as I cry into my hands, soaking them. I missed him. I needed him. I wanted him. But I couldn't have him.

Sebastian was officially married and now there was no chance at ever being with him, ever. My heart had officially been broken. The last shred of hope that I had for any type of happiness in my life had been crushed and stripped away from me. The worst part about all of this is that now, I realize that I love him, but I loved him too late and now he was gone for good.

The pain that I felt in my heart was too much for me. I was broken beyond repair and I was physically experiencing the pain of a broken heart. It may seem exaggerated, but when you find someone who makes your life seem so much better and brighter, and you find someone that makes you smile no matter what and someone who's constantly on your mind day and night, it's hard to grasp the fact that you can never have them in the way that you want to. It's hard when you have to watch someone else be lucky enough to love them and be with them.

It's hard when you realize you've finally found your person, but he's already somebody else's.


Sebastian's POV:

I finally landed in New York as I hail a cab. I was out of breath from running inside the airport as I lean against the exterior of the airport. A car stops in front of me as I open the door, getting inside. I tell the cab driver the address, drumming my fingers on my leg as I anxiously look out the window.

Hopefully she would be home, or else this wouldn't go as planned. I couldn't wait to see her. I missed her and her sarcastic comments. I missed her beautiful face and I missed that beautiful smile of hers. I missed everything about her and I couldn't wait to see her and confess how I really felt about her, and hopefully she'd feel the same way too.

Finally the cab driver pulls up to the familiar house as I pay him, closing the car door behind me. I walk up the pathway to her front door and my heart drops. My smile falters as I notice the empty driveway, and the giant for sale sign on her front lawn. This can't be happening. There's no way she could've sold her house, she loved her house.

What happened? Where did she go? I grab my phone and quickly dial her number but I'm automatically sent to voicemail. I curse under my breath as I try calling her again; no answer. I hang up and send her a series of texts as I sit down on the top step.

Ten minutes pass by and I receive no answer from her, which made my mind swirl with endless possibilities. I was worried about her. Suddenly an idea comes to my mind as I break out into a sprint, heading straight to the boutique where that elderly lady named Betty worked. Dani trusted her and maybe she'd know where I could find her. I slow down as I near the boutique, the small bell jingling as I open the door.

Betty looks up and her eyes widen, "Sebastian, dear, what are you doing here?"

"Where's Daniella. I need to find her. I went by her house but it's empty and it's been put up for sale", I ramble breathlessly. She motions for me to sit on one of the chairs in the store as she sighs. "Boy you've got a lot of catching up to do"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh you'd have to let Daniella explain that to you", she comments as she hands me a cup of water. I thank her as I take a sip, trying my best to calm down. "Where is she? Did she tell you where she was going?"

"Now why should I tell you?", Betty sasses back, as I look at her in astonishment. "Because—"

"Because what? You, young man, broke that poor girls heart. You have no idea what that beautiful girl has gone through these past few months", Betty says as her eyes begin to tear up, "Please", I beg her, "I love her"

"What about your wife?"

"There is no wife. I called it off, I came back for Dani. Please if you know where she is I need to know. She needs to know how I feel", I beg her as I clasp my hands together in a begging manner. She lets out a deep sigh as she writes something down on a paper, "You're lucky I'm even doing this. You better make this right, understood?"

"I promise"

"On your life?"

"Yes, I promise on her, because she's my life"

"Good! Now get out of here before it's too late"

"Thank you so much, Betty, you're the best", I smile as I hug her. She laughs as she gives me a little push towards the door, "I know I am"

I give Betty one last smile as I rush off to where Dani is staying. I was going to get my girl, my girl that I loved.

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