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Sebastian's POV:

Chris and Anthony were beside me as they helped me get ready. Kara was finally over the food poisoning which meant that the wedding was back on. I let out a sharp breath as I pat down my suit. "Nervous?", Chris asks me. I look at him through the body length mirror and shake my head, "I guess so", I mumble.

Anthony and Chris share a look before turning back to me almost simultaneously, "Are you getting cold feet? It's not too late to cancel the wedding again—", Anthony starts to say. "I'm fine. It's probably just wedding jitters"

"But at least when grooms get wedding jitters they're happy", Chris comments. I look at him with an eyebrow raised and he nods his head, "We're not stupid, Seb. You don't think we haven't noticed how off you've been the past couple of weeks?"

"I'm just stressed with work—", I try to say but Anthony cuts me off. "That's not it and you know it. Even when you're stressed about work you're still happy. Seb—you're like our brother, and seeing you like this, so down, and unhealthy, it doesn't sit well with us, any of us", he sighs as he pats my back. "We can't decide for you, sine it's your life, but it's up to you to decide whether or not you want to walk down that aisle or not, because if you do, there's no turning back, so if you have to make a decision, make it now", Chris advises me as he taps Anthony on the shoulder. The both of them head out of the room and close the door behind them, leaving me to wallow in my own thoughts.

My my mouth ran dry as I could practically hear my heart racing in my ears. I stumble to one of the chairs and sit down as I try and take a few deep breaths to calm myself. It was just wedding jitters. A knock on the door sounds as the wedding planner peeks his head through the door, "It's go time"

I nod my head and get up, closing the door behind me. He leads me to where Chris and Anthony are as we start to walk down the aisle. I send small smiles to the familiar faces that I pick out of the crowd. I reach the alter and greet the priest. I clasp my hands together as I look at the double doors that would soon open to reveal my bride. The more time that passed, the more I started to second guess everything.

"It's now or never", Chris whispers in my ear, "Whatever you decided, we'll be here to support you, okay?", Anthony whispers too. I smile at them and nod my head as I try to make a decision with a few seconds left to spare. The church music starts to play as my nerves intensify. Kara looked beautiful, but something was missing.

My phone buzzes in my pocket as I panic, Chris grabbing it for me so no one saw. He whispers the text to me as my heart drops, "It's from someone named Dani, she says "Hey, Seb, I know you probably won't see this for a while but I just wanted to wish you the best of luck today! Again, congratulations and don't forget what I told you! Have fun"

"Who's Dani?", Chris and Anthony whisper at the same time. I sigh as I shake my head, "It's a long story, but she's someone I really care about, and someone I should be with right now", I answer back. The boys smile at me as they realize what's going to happen. Kara reaches the alter and glares at me as she waits for me to help her up the stairs. I grab her hand and pull her up, "Where's the bracelet I bought for you to wear?", I whisper to her. She looks down at her empty wrist and shrugs, "It wasn't pretty".

My head drops as I let go of her hands. She just gave me another push to make my final decision a reality. This wasn't the woman I wanted to marry, this wasn't the woman that I should be marrying. What was I even doing? Kara and I didn't work well together. Chris and Anthony give me a slight nod of reassurance as I turn to look at them. I turn back to the priest and whisper in his ear as he nods his head. "If I could have your attention, please", I call out to all the guests as they all go quiet. "Sebastian! What the hell are you doing?!", Kara whispers harshly as she tugs my arm. I take her hand off of me and turn to her, "Something I should've done a long time ago"

"I'm sorry that this is happening right now, but I need to stay true to myself and do what's best for me. You see, I can't marry Kara. When I first met Kara, she was a kind, outgoing, adventurous girl, but now, she's unrecognizable. She's rude, verbally abusive, and judgemental. She's not the same woman I thought I was going to marry. Lately I've found myself second guessing everything and I've realized how unhappy I truly am. How unhealthy I have become. My best friends started to notice this too, and even though this is not how I planned for this to go, it has to be done today, or else I'll never get another chance to do so. I apologize for wasting all your time today but to compensate you all for the inconvenience the reception hall will still be available for all of you to go and eat, all night long. So to end this, Kara, I'm sorry, I truly am, but I can't marry you and I'm not the right guy for you. I never was. We're just too different, and our differences have come between us"

The crowd erupts into whispers and gasps as I finish talking, Chris and Anthony patting me on the back as they smile brightly at me. Kara stomps like a child as she screams, "You can't do this to me!"

"I just did", I answer back as she runs off through the double doors. "Go get your girl", Chris says as he and Anthony give me a little push. "And tell us everything!"

"Thank you guys, for everything. You're my brothers for life", I tell them as I hug them both. I give them one last glance before breaking out into a sprint, heading to Anthony's car. He had given me his keys to his car to get to the airport. I get to the airport in record timing as I book an immediate flight back to New York. "You're very lucky, this was the last ticket for New York, and the plane is boarding now"

"Thank you so much", I say breathlessly as I run to the gate. The lady scans my ticket as I find my seat near the window. "I'm coming for you, Dani", I whisper as the plane slowly takes off.

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