🌟Make over!!!🌟

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"He~~~ hey! HEY!" Amethyst screamed in Stevens face, causing Steven to scream in shock and terror. "God! Amethyst! WHYYY!" Steven complained, slowly getting with a hand on his head, wincing as if he got slapped in the face. "I dunno." Was all amethyst said before she dived over the bar to get to the beloved refrigerator.

"Amethyst, you could've gone around." Pearl sighed as she walked into the room. "OH! Steven, we have Stevonnie practice today! Don't forget to call Connie about that!" Pearl happily clapped her hands together as she said it. All Steven replied with is a big long, dramatic, sigh. "Steven!" Pearl said sternly this time, growing tired of his complaints every time they had to practice. Steven tried to think of a excuse to get out of training today, he didn't want to avoid it, he just plainly didn't want to fuse with Connie at the moment.

He could say that Connie is sick! Or say that she can't attend today, but that would be lying, and he knows the punishments that would result in lying, and when he thought of that, he shivered. He knew that he would have to tell the truth, because he knew that Connie would be say that he's lying. He sighed once again, and turned to the annoyed pearl. Steven took a deep breath, and plainly stated,"Pearl, I don't want to practice today." Pearl looked confused for a minute, then angry. "And WHY don't you want to practice?" Pearl said in a smart ass tone, putting her arms to her sides, which give her smart ass a bit of a sassy topping. "BECAUSE I don't want to!" Steven replied, a little louder than pearls response. Amethyst just stood there with a jar of pickles in her mouth, crossed eyed.

"Steven?! You never act like this! An-GAH AMETHYST! EAT LIKE A NORMAL GEM LIKE YO- well, I don't even know what you are anymore." Pearl yelled and turned back to Steven,"as for you, I'm disappointed by your attitude."
EXCUSE ME! IM NOT THE ONE WITH THE ATTITUDE! Your getting mad at me for not wanting to fuse! That's wrong!" Steven screamed this time, his eyes starting to glow once again, just like what happened after he got mad at connie.

Pearl suddenly had a fearful look on her face, putting her hands on her mouth as she took steps back, away from the hybrid. Steven suddenly knew his eyes were glowing pink again, and not only that, a small little spike had formed around his neck, not hiding very well in his skin.
"Steven! Your neck!" Amethyst said in surprise, "you have like, a little stubby dude there!" Amethyst got up to take a closer look at it. Steven suddenly took his hand to cover it, and dashed around the shocked pearl, straight into the bathroom.

Steven slammed the door, locking it even though garnet can bust down the door....like last time.
Steven looked straight into the mirror with a scared expression. There was a spike there, not only that but the same unknown purple color started to form around it, slowly pulsing like the spot on his arm.

Sudden pain shocked through his body, causing him to collapse on the tiled floor. Holding his stomach in pain, he lift up his red starred shirt, reveling his rose colored gem. There's nothing wrong with it, but you can see a root like string inside the gem, slowly expanding by the minute. Steven tried to get up, gritting his teeth in the process, and manage to get his balance. "I have to find a way to hide this from them, they already have a big enough burden by taking care of me" Steven whispered to himself.

Suddenly he remembered that on Halloween, Connie brought a make up kit, like theater makeup, the makeup that makes you look like you have wounds and scars. Steven knew there was a fake skin foundation he could use to hide the spike. He just had to get it, which is harder than it seems.

Steven slowly unlocked the bathroom door, sliding out quickly, he dashed to his somewhat called room, and looked under his bed, only to find what he was looking for. Firmly grabbing it, Steven ran straight back into the bathroom, and no one noticed. Pearl probably went to her room to think things out, and amethyst might just be eating garbage. Typical.

Locking the door, Steven went back to the mirror, and opening the makeup kit.
It was called "tissue", Steven never knew what tissue was, because well, he never went to school. But it was skin colored and thick, so he could only guess this was the stuff he was searching for.
Slowly applying the fake skin, his purple skin like stuff began to fade, as the fake skin is working. Soon enough, the purpleness and spike were hardly noticeable. Steven smiles at the result.

Returning the kit to its original home, he walked up to the kitchen to finally eat breakfast, er, lunch.
He was about to pull out some lunch meat to make a tasty sandwich until pearl grabbed Stevens shoulder firmly, while saying, "YOU are going to train, wether you like it or NOT!" Steven flinched at the harsh tone pearl was using, and quickly agreed. Steven didn't want to make Pearl even more mad than she was. But hey! the fake skin seems to be working fantastically!
Pearl didn't even noticed it! Steven one, Pearl zero!
Now Steven has to go through training, with Connie.

🌟this took wayyy longer than it was supposed to but! You guys get a 1,000 word chapter! You better enjoy it! :D🌟

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