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Steven stood on the crumbled platform that was called there training area. Pearl was standing in front of him and Connie, giving directions and stances for their battle training.

Steven was dreading it, laying on the ground, stomach up, gazing upon the clouds. Steven was thinking about the spike on his neck, he can't hide it forever, and he knew that. But he is doing a decent job of hiding it, heck, Connie didn't even notice the glob of fake skin on his neck, and she is the most observant person Steven ever met.

"Steven! Were you even listening?!" Pearl exclaimed, standing over the boy. "I, er, ummm-," was all the boy said, getting up in embarrassment. Connie stares at him, he normally isn't this lazy, which worried the girl. "Alright! Let's begin our battle test!" Pearl clapped her hands as 10 hologram pearls appeared. Steven shuddered as he listen to them say battle training level 20. He may hate Connie right now but he doesn't hate her enough to watch her get hurt, not only that, but that would defeat the purpose of running in front of her when she was about to get hit by the weird centipeedle.

Steven took his stance, as Connie did the same. Connie then raced to two of the ten hologram pearls and poofed one of them, gripping Stevens shield, Steven then blocked the second holograms attack, the sound eliminated the hologram. Then, suddenly a hologram popped out of nowhere, and slashed the hybrids face, making a long, bloody gash over his left eye. Screaming in pain, Steven started to grab his gem, kneeling over in fear. Stevens breath started to become spasms.

Pearl couldn't see this because the arena is temporarily foggy for this test, This also affected Connie's vision, only being able to hear the poor boys screeching in pain.

Steven started to feel pain everywhere, causing him to collapse on his side. Tears flooded his eyes didn't make anything better. Steven looked down at his arms, his skin completely pink. His eyes slowly followed down his arms to his hands, his fingers started to enlarge, his finger nails turning into thick, sharp, needle like claws. Topping off the fingers with the purpleness hes been dealing with for the past week.

His face suddenly started to feel like it's tearing apart, as it pain continued, the started to see a snout form between his two eyes, and two big spikes form above his eyebrows. Still screaming, his bight began to enlarge, growing taller and taller by the second. A tail began to grow off his spine, and his feet grew sharp claws as well. After his body changed to his form, purple spots started to form all over him, spikes of pain stabbed him everytime a new spot formed.

Connie, seeing the monster above the fog, stepped back in horror staring in fright at the monster.

 ★Connie, seeing the monster above the fog, stepped back in horror staring in fright at the monster

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(This is what Steven looks like)

Steven can only feel fear, anger, and confusion. Stomping around, he saw 5 holograms race towards Connie. Reacting, Steven ran towards Connie, roaring as he pounced and slashed all of the holograms. Pearl saw this, frozen by horror. Steven just stood there, he tried to speak but all that came out was growling or a weak roar. He grew frustrated because of this, and punched the picture of the four diamond symbols.
Steven couldnt even think of how Garnet Would react, and he's scared....

🌟EEE this is bad but enjoy! I guess...🌟

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