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As the gems gasped in shock, the green ship landed. Opening its green metal doors, fog spilled out of the enterance, foot steps were heard, including a very sinister laugh as the gem walked out of the diamond ship.

"Hehhehehm, well, well, well. Look what we have here!" The gem soon revealed itself from the fog, leaving the gems more in shock then they already are. (If that's possible). This gem with different than the other gems the rebels have seen. This gem was green, bright green, with jagged edges all over its body. It's eye was where its gem was, and her weapon was a huge canon, which the gem carried on its shoulder.

Finally one of the gems left its shock and draws to question the newcomer, "w-who are you?" Pearl stuttered, standing back, ready to summon her spear of needed. "Hahahah! Is this really what remains of the so called crystal gems? Hm? A disobedient pearl, a runt, and a fusion?! And I don't even want to know what THAT thing is!" The gem pointed at the frightened girl, shaking to the point where she almost dropped her sword. "You must have a lot of guts to come here and discriminate us like this!" Garnet stepped in, defending the poor Connie. "Why should I be scared of you? Hahaha your just a fusion, which tells me your not strong enough to defend yourselves alone!" The green gem sneered, now pearl stepped in,"LEAVE US ALONE!" The gem looked startled, then burst into laughter, "bAHAHHHAHA i CANT believe a pearl even thought about saying that! You off colors make me laugh!" "Who even are you?!" One of the Crystal gems asked, "who am I? WHO AM I?! Am I really that unknown? Ooooo thats right, home world doesn't make emeralds anymore!" The gem spat, then took another step towards the crystal gems,"your an emerald?! I've never- seen one..." pearl mumble, then snapped and summoned her spear, garnet following with her gauntlets as amethyst gripped her whip, "what do you want?! I thought we're all allies here?!" Amethyst yelled in confusion.

"Ooo you guys are! Blue, yellow, WHITE!" Emerald sneered as she stated whites name,"you see, YOU GUYS are all allies, but your missing a large piece of information here!" Emerald laughed as she saw the confused look on the gems, excluding pearl though, for she had a shock look on her face. "Pearl, you seem to remember something... maybe a little secret? Hm?" Emerald said in a high pitched innocent tone, which angered the pearl. "Wait, what is she talking about pearl! Have you been keeping more secrets from us?!" Amethyst yelled, stepping towards the white gem. "N-no I j-j-just thought she was... gone." Pearl stayed and lowered her head in a sigh,"fine, there was... a time where pink, didn't exist." "WHAT?!" The gems squeaked, including Connie.

Emerald just laughed and interrupted pearl's story, "yes yes there was! And what wonderful days they were, all diamonds were responsible and NOT BRATS!" The green gems yelled snatched the attention of all of the gems, and girl. "Hahaha, there was no pink, instead there was a black diamond, MY diamond!" Emerald spoke proudly, then continued the story,"she was the one who watched over blue and yellow, giving them advice on how to control fleets better and easier, that's why white despised her, for she never got the attention black did, that's why...." emerald trailed off, for once her crooked smile faded, then snapped back with a evil look,"THATS WHEN WHITE BANISHED HER! AND MADE PINK TO REPLACE HER!" Emerald yelled, clenching her fist as she said this, then turning her face towards the gems,"black was furious for the sudden banishment, and took a pod and left, done with all of whites bullshit!" "What about blue and yellow? Wouldn't they noticed black suddenly left" Connie spoke, then bowing her head in fear. "Hmmm you see, white wanted to fully get RID of her, so after she banished black, she stopped making emeralds, which were her guards and researchers, though she kept the jaspers, which I don't know why. Anyway, white stopped making emeralds and lead the diamonds to her place to brain wash them, believing that pink was the first diamond to control fleets and record data about the two others." "T-that awful...." garnet said, looking down in furiousness towards the white diamond. "Ooohoho but black, she left to start her OWN homeworld! Making fleets scrap by scrap and soon, she has a empire! Though we never went back for jaspers, for she started to make tigers eyes, pyrite, and kyanite. And soon she was her own league." Emerald stood high with her chest puffed out in proudness as she mentioned her leader. Then snapped her head once again at the gems.

"Now, if you excuse me, I have to do what I was sent here to do, which is to find a creature which radiated more power than a normal gem would have, a monster maybe?" "STEVEN IS NOT A MONSTER!" Connie screamed, not caring if it was a gem or not, she couldn't take people calling her crush a monster. "Ooo so you named it, HAHAHHA that's even better! But I'm sorry to break it to you, but black diamond wants that 'steven' back at her home world." "Your not taking our Steven!" Pearl yelled, aiming her spear at the green gem. " aaaa so it looks like we're doing this the hard way..." Emerald summoned her canon and blasted that the gems, yelling could be heard, but luckily they were yells of fright, not pain. The gems dodged the attack, and dashed straight towards the green gem.

"COME AT YOU FOOLS! I WILL SHATTER YOU ONE BY ONE!" Emerald yelled as she dashed towards them as well, laughing while doing so....

🌟I got big boi for you!!!! I know sudden change but it's alll for the story format XD have a nice day!!!🌟

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