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A light beamed, lighting up the house that indicated that the gems were back. Garnet walked over to place pearl down and now put full attention to Connie. "How are we going to heal her?" Pearl chuckled and as responded," well obviously we can use Stevens- ooooh no." Pearls expression went to cocky to fear," w-what ARE WE GONNA DO?!" "PEARL DONT START THIS NOW! We can't be freaking out, freaking out won't solve anything!" Garnet interrupted. "Bro, how can we stay calm, knowing that Connie's parents will show tomorrow, and we have to tell them, oh! She has a broken arm and ankle! Oh and she still unconscious! HOW?!" Amethyst started to hyperventilate, "NOT TO MENTION STEVENS KILLER OUT THERE!" The purple gem paused, then said, "a-all I want is Steven BACK!" Tears began to form in the purple gems eyes, as she dashed towards her room to eat, which calmed her time to time. "Oh dear" garnet sighed, turning back to the damaged pearl,"Roses fountain still works, we can use that to heal you two up, after that, we'll rest and then head out in search for the shatterer. We cannot waste time." Pearl sighed in acceptance and began to rise on her feet. "I'm strong enough to walk, so don't worry about me." Garnet picked up the girl, and started to walk to the warp pad once again, "alright, let's get moving!" Pearl dashed towards the warp pad, "what about amethyst? Should I notify her?" "Like she's gonna listen." Garnet replied," let's just get going, we'll be back before she's done stress eating." The warp pad began to glow, and within a beam of light, the gems were gone.

*the desert*

Hot, that's all steven felt. He's been stomping for hours and it doesn't seem that he made any progress towards his 'mothers' junk pile. The poor gem was out in the heat so long, he began to hallucinate memories. Like an hour ago, the monster sworn he saw himself, laughing and playing with a pink lion? Steven couldnt remember a pink lion in his life. He could only remember past events that had hurt him, heck almost killed him from the inside out.
Soon in the distance, Steven spotted a warp pad. Probably the one him and the gems use to travel to this place. Excitement surged through the monster, as he raced towards it, he could finally get out of this torturing heat! Stopping right in front of the life saver, the boy remembered that the warp pad would warp him to his former? House. He would have to be careful, and pray that the gems were busy searching for him, and not in the house. Stepping on the diamond like platform, and using his powers, a beam flashed and within a second, the hybrid was back in the house. Although it didn't feel like home, mainly due to the fact that the monster had to arch his back in order to not break the ceiling, but almost because he feared the house, and your not supposed to be scared of your own home right? Right.

The hybrid walked a corner and sudden shock and fear surged through him. A purple gem stood right in front of the monster. "YOU?!" The gem shrieked, summoning her whip. "Groooaa" was all the monster could say, as he desperately tried to tell amethyst that he was okay and not dead. Amethyst was about to attack the monster, yet something can't bring her to it. "Why?" The gem cracked a sob, "why would you take my brother away? WE LOVED HIM!" Amethyst screeched at the hybrid, bawling in complete sadness. Steven looked down at the gem, wanting to tell her everything, and right when he was about to speak, the purple gem interrupted, "GO! I DONT WANT TO FOGHT NOR SEE YOU RIGHT NOW!" Amethyst covered her eyes, whipping the door open, "I HATE YOU! YOU DESERVE TO BE SHATTERED!" Amethyst began to attacked the boy, and fighter the monster, causing him to run straight towards the closed door, head crashing through it.

Running faster than the monster ever could, and soon, Steven felt sand squashing beneath his clawed feet. "AAAAARRRGGG! YOUR LUCKY! BUT NEXT TIME I SWEAR ILL SHATTER YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS!" The boy heard the purple rung squeal in fury, slamming the door. He made it. The Corrupted boy had escaped. Running non stop, the monster soon made it to the woods. At the time, it was night. Dark and cold, windy as well. The creature shivered. But, Steven was thankful to be out of the house though, and with that out of the way, a new problem washed in. He would have to find someplace to sleep. Somewhere that was well hidden and secret. A growl/sigh escaped the boys jaws, as he stomped deeper into the cold woods, hoping to find somewhere decent to sleep.

🌟like I promised, I updated! I hope you guys like it! I know it's not very exciting but it's a 800 word chapter, enjoy!!!🌟

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