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(Time skip to day because I don't want you guys getting bored)
*In the woods*

The monsters eyes began to flutter open, showing frost all around him, and a bit of ice. Frost had formed around the hybrid as well, leaving him to shiver rapidly. His pink eyes were dull and heavy, and he felt feverish, and his nose was stuffy as well. The corrupted boy didn't think of this as a problem, for he has a much bigger problem to deal with. Home. Would he even consider it home? The boy doesn't know. He was confused, with not only the home issue, but with everything. He could remember the memories of bad times, like the diamonds, the times with pearls tantrums, Connie being overreacting, and even garnet being mad at him, and yet, the boy can't remember any happy times with them, and if so, they were in pieces and chunks, not full memories.

Steven finally decided to get up, but as he did, the boys muscles were stiff from yesterday. Not to mention he was shaking violently. As Steven took in oxygen, his breathing was like gasps, and his lungs felt like fire. The hybrid began to slowly move forward, and then collapse, in pain and fear. He was sick, and yet the boy didn't know it. He didn't want to go back to the Crystal Gems for help, he wanted to show them that the boy was strong, and did not need help. Oblivious about how bad sicknesses could be, The hybrid decided to suck it up and heave himself up again, trying to ignore the pain as he did. Gasping, he limped towards the edge of the woods, trying to get an idea where he is and where he would go.

*back at the temple*

"AMETHYST! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Pearl screamed, pulling out her spear in rage, aiming right towards the purple gem. " IT LITERALLY CRASHED THROUGH THE DOOR! I CANT GO AFTER IT ALONE!— YES YOU COULD HAVE!" Pearl interrupted the furious gem, and as the white gem walked towards amethyst. "NOW THATS ENOUGH!" Pearl flinched as garnet raises her voice, which the fusion never did often, and it was considered very rare. Garnet looked back at amethyst, "It isn't amethysts fault that the monster got away, I would even waited for backup if I were alone." Amethyst gave her a pleased look for standing up for her, "ugh! FINE!" Pearl then stomped of to her room, leaving the others alone. "Mood." Amethyst said plainly, walking to the kitchen. "Tomorrow, we will search for the murderer. But right now, I think we should all calm down." Garnet said, waking to her room as well.

🌟Next Day🌟

"C,mon! Let's gooooo~" amethyst yelled impatiently, pacing around the kitchen. "Alright!" The two others yelled back at the same time. Today is the day that they would search for Stevens shatterer! Today is the day were amethyst can get her hands on that disrespectful beast! Amethyst laughed as she thought that she would be able to avenge Steven.
"C'mon amethyst! What's the hold up!?" Pearl yelled, "COMING!" The purple gem yelled, dashing towards the gaping hold of what used to be a door.

As the gems walked out from the temple, they spotted footprints, very faint, but footprints that led to the woods. Pearl was nervous because she never liked the woods, it was so, disorganized. Garnet and amethyst dashed towards the woods, while pearl was dragging behind.

*in the woods*

Limping across the woods, Steven grew hungry, in fact, starving. A cookie cat would sound good at the moment, the monster thought, licking his gums in satisfaction of the idea. But at las, there was no access to one. The boys stomach growled, roaring at him for food.
In the distance, Steven spotted a deer. The boy almost knew that the deer spotted him, and looked at him. Stevens mind past out for seconds, then flickered back on as he sees himself cover in thick, gooey, red substance. And as the monster looked down, his eyes caught a deer skeleton, nothing but red stained bones. The monster was also not hungry anymore, which gave the hybrid and sudden sickness in his stomach. He just ate a deer, a RAW deer! After feeling sick for a moment, the boy heard a broken twig, snapping his head around, spotting the 3 Crystal gems standing right in front of him.

*crystal gems*

"This way! This way!!!" Amethyst whispered as she snuck forward. As she snuck forward, her and garnet heard a twig snap. "Oops!" Pearl said surprised and then gave a look that she didn't care. "Well you should care right now cause look at who's in front of us!" Garnet said furiously, pointing at the monster. "RAAAA!" The monster shrieked, limping farther away from the gems, with nothing but fear. Pearl then summoned her spear, and dashed towards the monster, slashing the creature multiple times, each one she'd yelled at him for taking Steven away. Steven felt heart broken, for the fact that pearl never knew that it was him, that the monster she's yelling at was steven and not a satanic creature. But then anger flooded through him, "GGRRRAAAA!" Steven roared, scaring the pearl. Then all of a sudden, a crack appeared on his diamond gem, which cause Steven to freak out while mad, and bit pearls arm in rage, throwing her into a tree, and knocking down the tree in the end.

Garnet then got mad, racing towards the creature for a punch, but Steven was faster, head butting the fusion with his horns, and throwing her back. Amethyst stood there in shock, but then attacked the monster, only to protect her friends, even pearl. When amethysts whip wrapped around Steven neck, the hybrid bit the whip, snapping it in two. Steven then pounced on the purple gem, his eyes white, blinded with rage. But when Steven was about to bite amethyst, garnet punched the boy in the face, knocking the corrupted gem over to the ground.

Stevens eyes went back to the dull, heavy, pink color and his body felt weak again. *no! Not right now!* the weak boy thought, as he watched the three gems walk over to him. Steven tried to get up, but then only collapsing once more. Garnet walked up to him and put her foot on his face, holding the boy in place. "Shatterer!" Was all garnet said till Steven blacked out.

🌟eyyyy its a bigger chapter! Hope you guys like it! Sorry if it sounded rushed.🌟

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