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"I sold my soul to a three piece,

         And he told me I was holy,
                He's got me down on both knees"

      Night had fallen upon the majestic castle of Hogwarts, quite literally majestic. The sky was dark and low, whispering sweet nothingness, luring little Celosia out of her bed. The harsh blow of the wind passed the brunette, bringing a bitter shiver out of her. It was another sleepless night for her, as her bare feet took her to an unknown destination. She didn't even care where, Celosia wanted an escape from her dreadful memories and awful dreams. Her voice echoed through the empty halls, in a way of grace and sadness.

She hadn't noticed how her pale feet took her towards the astronomy tower until she stood right under the gazing night sky that was splattered in millions of stars. Celosia took in a deep breath, cold filling her lungs in a strangely satisfying way. She didn't mind the freezing weather, otherwise she wouldn't be standing out in the open with only her nightgown. Maybe she loved the cold because it reminded her of herself, as cold and as lonely as the night breeze that everyone else despised.

Celosia was so lost in her own thoughts she didn't even notice the silhouette of a certain blonde leaning on the opposite wall, watching her like a hawk. In all honesty, he didn't understand why he decided to dislike her. He held no anger towards her, no negative feelings. Maybe he found it easier to just act like he hates her back? Maybe it was a way of him concealing his infatuation with her? Though he would never admit it to anyone but himself.

The girl was no doubt beautiful, her sharp tongue and fiery personality making her even more intriguing. Abraxas, was completely head over heels for her, and that was a secret he'd take to the grave.

Celosia on the other hand, felt anything BUT infatuation towards him. Or any other positive emotions that he would hope she had towards him. Knowing that, Abraxas found it easier to be a complete dick towards her than actually than admit his undying love towards the brunette.

Abraxas slowly walked towards the girl, his footsteps not making a sound, as if he didn't exist at all "isn't this a surprise. The good little Celosia out of bed at this time at night, breaking curfew. Is it going to snow?" he teased behind the girl, making her jump in surprise. A ray of cusses ran through the girls mind once she saw who it was "no, but a certain Malfoy is going to get murdered tonight if he doesn't leave me alone" she stated, her eyes dead serious.

The boy took a moment, just to think about her threat and if she would really accomplish it.    Abraxas walked closer to her, keeping a distance just In case. He had a mischievous grin placed on his face, which by now seemed permanent "no wonder your single"

There was a minute of silence that filled the two, before a loud smack echoed through the astronomy tower. Celosia was kind of disappointed that she didn't slap him, or damage any part of him. Not that she could if she tried, because physically she had trouble opening a damn bottle, until angered of course. Abraxas gasped in surprise, and clutched his arm "you almost killed me" he exclaimed, feigning hurt.

C e l o s i a~ Abraxas Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now