ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟟

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•and if I'm being honest, It might have been a nightmare•

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and if I'm being honest,
It might have been a nightmare•


The night dragged on slowly and restlessly, irritating the brunette that laid in her bed shuffling every two seconds. Her mind was clouded with worry, worry for that one person she had hated since second year. The thoughts about him possibly irritated her more than the moon that just refused to set.

How annoying.

She thought, sighing for the thousandth time. Celosia groaned, turning her back to the window that was right across from her bed and next to Serafina's. She just couldn't continue watching the dark night that so proudly hung on the sky. Celosia was sure she would be ripping every strand of hair on her head if that continued any longer.

The brunette huffed and jumped off of her bed, snatching a silky black robe on her way to the door and hurriedly shrugging it on top of her thin, and incredibly short, nightgown. Usually, she would have never dared to go anywhere out of her dorm with the way she looked, which was in no way suitable for any lingering eyes, but at that very moment she couldn't care less.

At least if someone would find her out of her bed on curfew she'd be able to seduce them with her bare legs. Except Dumbledore. She would never be able to seduce Dumbledore. Not like she'd be able to do that if she did anyway, thank God.

Her bare footsteps in the long hall's were soundless as she made her way elegantly towards the hospital wing. As elegantly as she could with the shivers that erupted her body due to the cold. Oh how she hoped that the healer was deep into slumber and wouldn't wake up anytime she was there.

Four hours passed since she had left the young man in the hospital wing with Madame Rosette. Four hours of the worry that kept constantly nagging her restless mind. God damn curfew hours, she didn't even fucking care no more.

The sight of the door she had aimed for appeared in front of her, making her hesitate for a second. Did she really need to see him that bad? She didn't need an answer to that. She just followed what her heart and mind wanted her to do, and currently it was entering the damn door and blessing a certain platinum blonde with her gracious presence.

That's exactly what she did.

The door creaked with every move it made, causing the brunette to wince every single time. She decided against opening it fully and tried to enter through the small space she had already opened, struggling enormously. A sigh of release escaped her once she was finally inside, failing to notice the raised eyebrows of the blonde that she had intended to visit.

He stared at her strangely from the edge of the bed, wide awake. It was strange that she actually went all the way to the healing wing just for him, and for a second he doubted it was him she had come for. But then he realized that, well, who else could it be? An amused smile took over his perfect face.

C e l o s i a~ Abraxas Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now