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©Claire Zamora

Edited by inkandpixie

Red Crandall

My agitated mind clashes with the studious calm in here. In the end, even though it's a bit early. I decide to find Sarah for our next class in the gym, I'll just take my time getting there.

When I finally get to the gym, Sarah's already there warming up. She's stretching with a group of students I don't know.

I wave to Sarah, who stops her lunges when she sees me and hurries over.

"Are you okay? Was it alright? I have to say, I felt a bit uneasy about leaving you..."

"Don't worry, I went to the library and it was fine. Peter kept me company and then I spoke a little to Jones."

Sarah's eyes widen.

"Jones? The Professor? You arranged to meet him in the library?"

"We hadn't arranged anything! I was in there revising and he... just happened to be passing."

"Oh, so that's it... He just happened to be passing... When are you going to admit that he's got an unusual interest in you?"

"True, sometimes I feel as if all his attention is focused on me."

"Come off it, it's not just a feeling, is it...? Professor Jones is very interested in you."

"I'm a god student and I've missed a few days, so there's nothing weird about him asking how my studying's going, is there?"

"You can be so naive..."

I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly and look around the room. With a book in hand, Peter strolls into the gym. On seeing me, he nods in my direction and heads over to the stands. He probably went to get quote from the admin office to excuse him from gym class. I then feel a familiar gaze on me. I turn my head and see Drogo, who's just coming out of the men's locker room.

The memory of his text has just started running through my mind when Sarah brings me back to the present.

"We've got high jump today... And to be honest, I'm really worried about it! You're still not in control of your new abilities, I'm scared things might get out of hand."

"I admit, after losing control like that in cafeteria, I don't want to go breaking my neck! And anyway, it's not as if I'm on my own. Drogo and Peter are here."

A din builds up in the gym as the students wanting to play basketball start to organize themselves into teams. I instinctively turn to look at Drogo, drawn to him like a magnet. Unable to take my eyes off him, I notice that he's gotten into an argument with Loan. They're at the other end of the gym, yet I can hear them as if they were right next to me.

If I listen to them, I'll only want to get involved... The problem is, I don't yet know how to properly isolate myself from background noise. Whether I want to or not, I'll probably end up overhearing them. Well, I may as well see this as a training opportunity! It will give me the chance to see if Drogo's okay... So, I listen to their argument.

"Do you really think I'm scared of you?" Loan

"I'm pretty sure you are... So, I advise you to watch it, unless you want to end up with some broken bones and missing all this season's matches."

With his pale face, as if paralyzed with rage, Loan clenches his fists, all set to fight.

"For Christ's sake, what have you got in the head of yours? Soda? Do you really want to fight me? Didn't they never teach you not to pick on someone stronger than you?"

Is it love? Drogo SEASON 2Where stories live. Discover now