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Note: I'm really sorry guys for the very late update. Hope y'all understand.


Lovelots <3

Red Crandall

The next morning, I leave the Manor early so I can enjoy the quiet of my walk to college to get over recent events in my mind.

A light fog threads its way through the quiet streets of Mystery Spell. My footsteps echo against the sidewalk. I sigh as I think back to the previous evening: it took two attempts for Nicolae to be able to reinstate ng mental safeguard. According to him, his hypnosis is affected by the change to my magic brought on by my vampiric nature. And it's dangerous to continue this way...

I put this thought to the back of my mind and pull out my phone to message Sarah.

Red: Hi Sarah, I'm on my way to the campus. Need to talk, feel free? Meet you at out usual bench. Xx.

A second later, the "read" signal appears below my text. The response is hot on its heels. Sarah's just going to run a rush through her hair and she'll be there. I smile and put my phone back in my pocket. Talking to her about everything's that's been going on is really going to help!

My thoughts stray back to Drogo and our promise... Feelings of guilt gnaw at me. Is it wise to hide what's going at the University from him and his brothers? Things are serious enough to not try and cover them up. And yet, I'm not sure knowing them, they'd take it all very seriously and put me under lock and key in my room to keep me safe. I sigh. If only their reactions weren't always so extreme...

I reach the corner of the street leading to the university. I spot Sarah running in my direction. I wave at her and wait for her to join me. When she reaches me, I notice that her eyeliner is slightly crooked, a sure sign she did her make up in a hurry. It's my fault...

"Hi, Sarah, sorry to have rushed you this morning."

She dismisses my comment with a sweep of her hand.

"Hi, Red! No worries! Whenever you need me, I'm here!"

I smile, but my heart's not in it. Sarah frowns, grabs me by the arm, and steers me to our usual bench. I don't put any resistance. Once we're sitting down, I let out a long sigh.

"Something tells me I'm not going to like what you've got to say..."

I run my hand nervously through my hair.

"I don't know where to start, it's all a bit of a mess in my head."

"Red, this isn't a mid-term oral, tell me about it in any order you like."

"Thanks... and sorry. I feel like my mind's all over the place! It's a good thing you're here to tidy it up!"

"Yeah, I know, I'm one in a million."

We both burst out laughing, but I quickly pull myself together, determined to tell her all about my misfortune. I decide to start with:

"Before I became a vampire, my magic was pretty straightforward and controllable. But things are different now."

"When your training with my grandmother begins, you'll have all the tools you need to master your gifts, and you'll be able to select the magic that works best for you."

"Maybe... But in the meantime, I'm really struggling! I only have to think of something and it happens!"

"Okay, well then, try thinking about the mid-terms! A little helping hand wouldn't go a miss! With all the classes we've missed, we're going to fail this semester!"

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