CHAPTER 25: Bonds and Laughter and Pictures

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Red Crandall

The next morning, at the crack of dawn, I emerge from my strange vampiric drowsiness, that comatose state that's anything but restful. I pat the mattress next to me: there's nobody there. Drogo has left without telling me.

Drogo is always on the go, kind of like a wild cat. I can hardly hold it against him, it's just how he is.

I get out of bed and stretch sensuously. It's a long time since I woke up feeling so good. I think it's the type of relationship crisis that strengthens rather than destroys.

After a brief trip to the bathroom for a quick shower, I put on my  uniform and go down to the dining room. When I get there, the three Bartholy brothers are beaming at me. I greet them with a nod and wonder where to sit.

"Where's Lorie?"

"She already ate and wanted a quick game with her dolls before school. So you can sit where you like." Nicolae.

I sit down next to Drogo, concealing the barrage of emotions I'm feeling. No sooner have I should down than he places his hand discreetly on my thigh. I smile at him shyly. Peter stares at me from across the table. A glimmer of amusement dance in his eyes.

"What's up, Peter? Is there something on my face?"

"You look well this morning... You must have had a wonderful, eventful night."

My jaw drops: I'm completely thrown off balance by what he's just said. I might be imagining things but what's with the salacious undertone?

"I don't know what you're talking about... I slept well actually. How was your night?"

Peter beams at me. I can immediately tell from his expression that I've just handed it to him on a silver platter.

"Let's just say that I didn't sleep well... Sometimes, there are noises you'd rather not hear..."

I feel my cheeks going red— Proving my guilt. No excuses come to mind. I turn to Drogo for support, but all I get is a mischievous wink. Oh, right, when it comes to making fun, there's no shortage of volunteers!

Nicolae clears his throat, and I can tell from the look on his face that the conversation is a little too risque' for his liking, particularly at breakfast time? Did he also hear my argument with Drogo, and our make-up sex?

The eldest Bartholy brother sets a large, empty glass down in front of me, then fills it to the brim with a ruby liquid that gives off a mouth watering metallic aroma.

"Why have you given me so much?"

"It's double the usual amount... As a precaution."

"You know, Nicolae, a drop more or less won't make a bit of difference."

"I know bloodlust, one drop can turn it all around. And sometimes, it doesn't take much to get it under control."

"Hmm, sure... But in my case, the real issue is the change in my powers, not the bloodlust itself."

Nicolae gives me a stern look. Okay... I get the message: Red, drink your hemoglobin and do not, I repeat, do not bring it back up!

With a slightly mechanical gesture, I pick up the glass and take a large gulp under Nicolae's watchful eye.

"Don't you have anything to say to me, Red?"

Oh my God, no, how embarrassing! Please don't make apologize for my moans of pleasure last night.

"Where did you go last night?"

Shocked, I turn towards Drogo. Thanks to his super-sensitive hearing. Nicolae busted my little nighttime escapade. I'm screwed! I tug discreetly at Drogo's sleeve: frankly I could do with a helping hand to get me out of this bind.

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