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Red Crandall

An hour later, I'm walking through the forest at the Osborne villa with Sarah. The fading light of the day filters through the leaves on the trees. Drogo dropped us off at the edge of the forest a few minutes ago and promised to comeback and pick us up at nightfall. I'm confident: I have the feeling my witchcraft training will go well. 

At the end of the path, we finally arrive at the villa. Cassandre is already standing at the door, cane in hand and wearing an emerald green dress. She welcomes us with a kind smile. 

"Hello, Red. I'm pleased to see you again."

"Hello. Thank you for welcoming me back for my magic training."

"You're welcome here as long as you want. I hope you're pleased with the compromises I made."

"Absolutely! Thank you for allowing me to fit college in with my magic training and letting me continue living with the Bartholys."

"Thank my granddaughter, she's the one who made me see how important they are to you. On reflection, I realized that the Bartholy Manor was a good environment for you. You only have to look at how quickly you were able to tame most of your vampiric abilities to realize that."

"I can't hide anything from you. By the way, how's your cat? He came to see me a few times, but I couldn't get near him."

Sarah clears her throat, Cassandre remains impassive and opens the door for us to enter the villa. cassandre's intrusive side gets on my nerves.

"You could have gotten in touch with me directly, you know... instead of spying on me..."

"i didn't want to bother you, I was afraid you might interpret it as interfering on my part. I'm sorry for giving the wrong impression."

Once we're inside, Cassandre asks her granddaughter to go into the kitchen to make us some tea, while we enter the living room. She sits down on her rocking chair, adjusts her shawl, and watches me closely.

"How do you feel, Red?"

"Okay, all in all... But I have so much to tell you that I don't know where to start."

"All in good time..."

"Mainly, I'd like to ask you about my mother. You said you'd tell me everything you know."

"I understand your desire to know more about your mother,  but you have other priorities."

"I need to know... I can't stand this mystery around my mother anymore."

"There's no need to go chasing after answers, they'll come to you."

Without taking her eyes off me, Cassandre fiddles with the gold earring on her left ear, obviously something she does when she's in deep thought.

"Could you tell me the definition of magic?"

I make a slight movement to grab my cellphone and check the internet, but I change my mind on seeing Cassandre's outraged expression.

"In your own words, obviously."

"Magic is the art of controlling the elements with supernatural powers."

"It's more than 'an art', it's creative knowledge."

"Um, yes... An ancestral knowledge that's passed down from generation to generation."

The old woman wags her finger in a professional manner.

"Consistent with the knowledge of our ancestors, magic is the ability to dig deep into the creative forces of nature to bring our will to life. It's the art of controlling those forces and shaping them to our will. It thereby resonates with our soul."

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