CHAPTER 26: Something grim

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©Claire Zamora

Edited by inkandpixie

Red Crandall

After the shock came anxiety. The rest of the day was horribly difficult. I insisted on staying at college to go to class, but I couldn't concentrate so it was a relief to cross the threshold of the Manor once the day was over.

Drogo and Peter are with me, having spent very hour of this endless day at my side as worried as ever. I don't want to give into panic, but I admit that these recent event really shock me up.

After leaving our book bags in the entrance hall, we find Nicolae, who is settled comfortably on the living room couch with a book. As soon as we walk into the room, Drogo collapses onto a free armchair and drops his head back, letting out a long sigh.

"Tough day?" Nicolae

"Yeah... You can't even imagine!" Drogo

Nicolae snaps his book shut and turns his attention to me. He examines me from head to toe, cracking a small smile.

"Are you okay, Red?"

I nod half-heartedly

"Wang to tell me what happened?"

Why hide the truth? Nicolae will find out sooner or later... And anyway, he's in the best position to evaluate the situation.

"Drogo used his powers of hypnosis to read the minds of the two students we had suspicions about."

"I see... And what conclusions did you come to?"

"They're both innocent. So we still don't know who was behind the attack on me..."

"And that's why you all look so defeated."

I exchanged an embarrassed glance with Drogo and Peter.

"Let me guess: you were so convinced they were guilty that now their innocence is disappointing to you?"

"Not exactly... Actually, there's something else." Drogo

Intrigued, Nicolae arches an eyebrow and increases his legs, examining us with disconcerting intensity. Drogo and Peter both look over to me. I realize that it's my turn to explain.

With heavy steps, I walk over to Nicolae and hand him a few photos taken without my knowledge, the tarot card, and the little handwritten note.

Nicolae's eyes immediately widen in shock, then he looks them over carefully, brushing the cards with his fingertips. The minutes crawl by, heavy and silent. Nicolae will speak when he's ready. I look into his face, and from his expression. I surmise that the contents of this package are as shocking to him as they are to us. He seems totally lost in thought.

"Nicolae? Are you with us?" Drogo

On hearing his name, he blinks himself out of his stupor as though coming out of hibernation. A sullen look in his eyes, he regards us one by one. Good grief! What's up with him? Why does he seems so shaken?!

"The Arcane..."

His voice is barely audible murmur. At that word, Peter jumps, then look away. Weird...

"What? The Arcane? Do you mean that tarot card?" Drogo

"No... I mean the group that the Originals founded in ancient times. This card symbolizes them, like a signature."

What?! Even though I read the "Bloody Legends" book, that palimpsest at Sarah's house, I didn't find any mention of a group named The Arcane. Why are they even called that? That's pretty strange... And MOST IMPORTANTLY, why is the Original's signature attached to Viktor's package? Am I to understand that the Originals have suddenly taken an interest in me?

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