their first thoughts of you

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Enoch O'Connor:
He was intrigued by you.  You mysterious and quiet, and he was interested. 

Jacob Portman:
He didn't completely trust you.  You didn't talk to anyone. You also had a bit of an anger issue.

Hugh Apiston:
He immediately raced to save you from the bar fight.  Once he helped you out of the bar and looked at your face, he saw how beautiful you were.  He also saw how kind and polite you were, thanking him for rescuing you.

Millard Nullings:
After he was dragging you out of the bar when Olive started the fire.  You were shocked.  He had picked you up bridal style and carried you out like a gentleman. You couldn't see it but he was blushing when he put you down and you thanked him.

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