you paint their nails

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Enoch O'Connor:
You kept on begging him since Jake had gotten you a gift from the future and you wanted to try it on him.  He gave it but told you to only paint them black.  But that didn't stop you from painting one neon pink.

Jacob Portman:
He had got you a gift for the day that was supposed to be your birthday.  He was asleep when you tested out the colors on him.  He only realized when Enoch.pointed them out.

Millard Nullings:
You couldn't exactly see where you were painting so he got pretty mad when he felt that you were painting his fingers.

Hugh Apiston:
He refused to let you paint his nails.  So when he was expected it you jumped on him and tied him to a chair in your room and painted his nails rainbow colors.

Olive Elephanta:
She asked why your nail color always changed.  You told her about nail polish and asked if she'd want you to. You painted her nails a light shade of blue.

Emma Bloom:
Normally she was the one to pint your nails since you never really liked it.  She always had to convince you to let her.

Fiona Frauenfeld:
Like Olive, she was curious as to why your nails changed color.  She asked bashfully if you could paint hers.  You painted her nails a light green.

Miss Peregrine:
She always had her nails colored.  But only because you were great at painting nails.

Victor Bruntley:
He had no desire for you to paint his nails.  With your peculiarity, you froze his feet to the ground and painted his nails bright green.  He eventually broke free and chased you around the home.

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