ghost (horace somnuson)

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A request for WHO_EVEN_IS_SHE

It started as an average regular day.  Everyone did the exact same as they did yesterday.

Miss Peregrine notified the children that she would be away for a bit and left the older children to take care of each other.

Particularly this day Horace could seem to remember his dream.  He could remember feeling hate and seeing a young girl about his age.

The day went on and Miss Peregrine still hadn't returned.  Everyone was beginning to worry that she wouldn't be back in time for the loop.

Emma whispered to Horace "why don't you project your dreams to calm everyone down?". He nodded and got out his monocle. (?)

Everyone sat down near the couch and got ready for the show.


It started when a young girl with black and red hair looked toward everyone.  But with an aggravated look on her face.  It then went to her walking through the walls as if she were a ghost.  The children gasped when the saw her.

The rest of his dreams was about, of course, clothing.


The children cheered after the dream was over.  "We're getting a new person!".

But after watching the dream again Horace couldn't help but feel some sort of feeling towards the girl.  It was a type of anger.  He just couldn't place his finger on this type of feeling.

Miss Peregrine opened the main door to the home, all the children's head turned in excitement.  "Oh she's here, she's here!" they cheered.  They all ran towards the door, pushing one another out of the way to see this new girl.  Except for Horace.  He calmly stood up walked toward the door in a peaceful manner.  He was in no rush to see this new girl if it meant he'd hate her.

The girl was swarmed by a million questions from the excited children.  Miss Peregrine could tell from the expression on her face she was overwhelmed.  "Now, children you know better than to pester our new friend.  Now you can introduce yourselves in after I reset the loop," she spoke sternly, the children groaning in response.


After the loop was reset everyone introduced themselves and their peculiarities.  The girl introduced herself as Rosie.

After the reset everyone went back to there own things, tea parties, reading,  creating dolls,  setting things on fire.  The usual. 

The girl sighed, not finding anything to her interest.  "Well, why don't you go talk to Horace.  He seems to be very interested in something.  Go one get his nose out of that book."  Emma spoke patting her on the back and pointing to Horace, sitting under a tree reading a book.

She hadn't seen him when she was being bombarded by questions and greetings from the other children.  Quiet, the girl thought.  

She began walking towards him.  He looked up from his book startled to see her walking towards him.  Oh dear, had someone told her about my dream?  he thought sweating and in a quite visible panic.  You hate her, remember, he spoke to himself.

She sat down next to him and smiled.  He just looked back down at his book.  "What're you reading?" she asked trying to start a conversation.  The Raven he mumbled.  She perked up when she heard his words.  "Oh, I love that poem.  The detail in his writing.  Oh, how I could make so many theories!".  The girl continued her rant for a bit longer.  "I was rambling, wasn't I".

For a moment Horace forgot about the dream and just said: "I actually agree with you on that!". She sheepishly smiled at him.


or a moment he completely forgot about his dream.  He could tell this was the start of a new friendship.


Horace and Rosie sat down in his room discussing a book he had recommended her.

He had a lot more in common with her than anyone else in the home.

For a moment Horace couldn't hear anything,  he just looked into the girl's eyes with complete adoration.

It was only when he noticed that she was waving her hand in front of his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry Rosie.  What we're you saying, " he said sheepishly.  "You've seemed distracted lately.  What's going on Horace?".

Really,  he had been in love with her since he first laid eyes on her,  even if he decided he'd hate her.

Something came over him and he just couldn't help himself.  He gently placed his lips on hers.

When they parted Horace was bright red.

"I'm s-sorry I don't know what came over me, " he spoke bashfully.

Rosie grabbed his face and kissed him roughly.  When they parted there was a moment of silence.

"I really, really like you, Horace, " she looked him in his eyes.

"That's good because I love you so much."

They just hugged for minutes until it was time for dinner.

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