when your sick

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Enoch O'Connor:
-carries you bridal style everywhere
-you don't wanna take your medicine
-he literally forces you to
-gives you forehead kisses
-entertains you with puppets
-the puppets help you when he can't
-makes sure your comfortable and alright
-spends all day with you

Jacob Portman:
-makes soup for you
-you hang out with your BFF, Enoch
-Jake's super jealous
-stubborn boi
-so many snacks
-forehead kisses
-so kind towards you
-gets you what you want

Hugh Apiston:
-tells you you're beautiful
-spends all day with you
-makes sure your okay
-cares for you a lot
-soft boi
-spoils you

Millard Nullings:
-you say you're not sick
-because of your peculiarity, you have a strong immune system
-forces you to stay in bed
-you give in
-forces you to take some gross medicine
-hopes he doesn't get sick from you

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