first kiss

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Enoch O'Connor:
You both accidentally kissed when he dropped some of his jars.  You tried to catch them and tripped. He caught you and you kissed.

Jacob Portman:
You both were playing a board game in his room at the home.  You tried taking his pieces and he tackled you onto the bed.  He fell on top of you and you kissed!

Hugh Apiston:
You were playing soccer with Hugh.  You trying to get the ball from him but he opened his mouth and let out his bees.  You used your super-speed to catch him off guard and kiss him on the lips.  You took this time to score a goal and leave him a blushing, flustered mess.

Millard Nullings:
You technically lived in the bar where Jake was.  You rightfully owned it after your parents abandoned you.  Millard came to visit you.  You both were play fighting and he kissed you with no warning.  You both were pretty flustered afterward.

Olive Elephanta:
Olive and Enoch had gotten into an argument and she was very upset, he broke up with her.  You hugged her while she was crying.  "Thank you very much Y/N.  I appreciate it". All of a sudden she kissed you.  She apologized after but you told her it was okay and you liked her.  You both walked around the house hand in hand.

Emma Bloom:
You were very quiet one day.  It was supposed to be the anniversary of when your old loop was destroyed.  Emma tried talking to you the entire day but you ignored everyone.  You sat underneath a tree and read a book from your old home you took with you.  Emma walked over to you, sat down next to you, and kissed you on the lips.

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