sleepover with them

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Enoch O'Connor:
-falls asleep first
-you write on his face
-pillow fort
-spilling tea
-"Y/N please go to sleep. I'm begging you"

Jacob Portman:
-him falling asleep first
-pillow fights
-messing with him while he sleeps
-"stop it Y/N"

Millard Nullings:
-you fall asleep first
-wakes up with a "good morning, my dear"
-asks if you slept well
-big spoon

Hugh Apiston:
-on a sugar high the entire sleepover
-you fall asleep first
-tries to draw on your face (fails)
-you draw on his face
-"Y/N what are you doing?"

Olive Elephanta:
-painting each other's nail
-playing board games
-she falls asleep first
-stealing pillows to make a fort
-waking up super late

Emma Bloom
-making jokes and laughing
-play fighting
-spilling tea
-pillow fight
-feathers everywhere
-smuggling food up to your room

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