copy cat (enoch o'connor)

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For AceWildCard1020..

It had been one year since Gooliope had come to the home with Miss Peregrine.

She had the ability to take another peculiarity for a period of time.

She had done it with almost everyone except, Enoch O'Connor.


I was sitting underneath a tree, drawing in my sketchbook, when an idea popped into my head.

I thought that maybe if I borrow Enoch's peculiarity we'd get along better.

I'd been trying for as long as I've been here to be friends with Enoch.  But he kept pushing me away like I was nobody.

I got up from the tree and began my search for Enoch.

I wandered around the house for some time until I saw him walking down the hallway towards my room.

As he walked past me I brushed up against him and used my power to copy his.

I began walking down the stairs back to the tree to begin my plan.


I was finally finished.  I had made a small little doll that looked like him.

I decided fo practice to make sure I got it right.

It clay doll got up and began walking everywhere I wanted it to.

It was complete.

I picked up the fragile toy and again began my search for Enoch.


I found him in his room.

I knocked on his door.

"What do you want?" He responded groggily.  I walked in with the doll behind me.

"I have a surprise for you, Enoch!" I told him excitingly.  "Whatever it is, make it quick I have things to do."

I pulled out the toy from behind me and put it on the table.  It began to walk and say things I thought Enoch would say.

The doll didn't he get half off the table when it was thrown off the table onto the floor and broken into hundreds of pieces.

"What's wrong with you woman? Ever since you've gotten here all you've been doing is annoying me!  Haven't you ever heard of anything called privacy?!'

Gooliope began to tear up at his hurtful terms.

"I hate you.  All you are is a copycat".

That was her breaking point. 

She ran out of the room and out of the home out into the village.


I had run to the beach by the village.  It was my only safe place to go when I was upset.

When I first came to the home this my safe place.


Enoch was grumpy than he was other days.

Emma took it upon herself to ask why.

"Enoch, you seem more grouchy today than others.  Why is that?"  Emma asked curiously.

"You should ask that copycat friend of yours!".  He replied angrily.

"You mean Gooliope?  She has only been nice to you since she's gotten here.  Do you remember when you went to the village and one of the humans there knocked over your new bottle of organs?  Gooliope took it upon herself to borrow Olive's peculiarity and set fire to the villager's home!  Or when you and Olive broke up! She went to the village to get you new hearts and organs and she cooked you a chocolate cake!  She's only ever been nice to you.  Or maybe when she-"

"Okay,  I understand Emma!"  Enoch announced.  "I have to go make things right, " He mumbled.


She sat down on the sand, puffy-eyed and miserable.

From behind her, she could hear the sand move against each other.

It was Enoch.

He went to sit down next to her on the sand.  She wiped her eyes and looked anywhere but at him.

"What do you want, Enoch O'Connor?".

" I-I want to apologize-"  He didn't get to finish his sentence before she cut him off.

"If one of the children put you up to this, then I don't want to hear.  In fact, I don't want your pity if you're going to do the same thing later on-" 

Before she could finish telling him off,  he placed his lips on hers. 

The girl was surprised but soon enough she found herself kissing back and tangling her fingers in his hair while he held onto her waist.

They stopped to breathe before he answered.

"I didn't realize how and sympathetic you were to me.  I took advantage of that, I neglected you.  I'm so very sorry, Gooliope."

She placed her hands on both sides of his face.

"I understand, Enoch.  You were just having trouble reacting to me.  It's okay."

She pulled his face close to hers and once again their lips touched.

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