what they love about you

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Enoch O'Connor:
He loves your ability to be kind towards anyone.  When you first met you never really spoke anyone at the home.  He was the first you decided to speak to.

Jacob Portman:
He loves that when you get knocked down you always get back up.  Being a peculiar wasn't the easiest thing for you.  Your family had kicked you out when they figured out you were peculiar.

Millard Nullings:
He loves how you take responsibility for whatever you do, good or bad.  Like the time you accidentally kicked the ball too high and it broke a window.  You were completely honest and told Miss Peregrine you broke it.

Hugh Apiston:
He loves how kind you are to the little kids.  How even when you really don't want to play with you still will.

Olive Elephanta:
She loves your bravery.  How even when everyone else is frightened, you take charge and make it your job to make sure everyone gets out safe and sound.

Emma Bloom:
She loves your sense of humor.  She loves how even at your darkest moments, she still finds you laughing and making jokes.

Don't worry ya'll I'm still alive and accepting requests!!

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