you break up

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Enoch O'Connor:
Who: Him
Why: you got into an argument and he said he didn't want to see you anymore.  He also was being flirty towards Olive.

Jacob Portman:
Who: you
Why: He had been talking more with Emma and eventually he would block you out just to be with him.

Millard Nullings:
Who: Him
Why: He felt that you didn't love him anymore.  You had become more distant from him.

Hugh Apiston:
Who: You
Why: You thought that he had feelings for Fiona.  He had been with her more than you.

Olive Elephanta:
Who: You
Why: You felt that she still had feelings for Enoch.  You broke up with her even though it hurt you to make her upset.

Emma Bloom:
Who: Her
Why: She felt that her love for you was gone. 

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