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Enoch O'Connor:
Sometimes Enoch has nightmares and he likes to walk into your room and stop whatever your doing just to cuddle with you.

Jacob Portman:
Sometimes he's self-conscious about himself so he normally ends up being the little spoon.

Millard Nullings
Since you can't really see him, you always end up being the little spoon.

Hugh Apiston:
You always cuddle without him facing you.  Sometimes his mouths open while he's asleep and he doesn't want you to get stung by one of his bees.

Olive Elephanta:
You both like to spoon.  Since normally you go to sleep after her, you end up being the big spoon.

Emma Bloom:
Whenever you cuddle it, you both just end up all over the place.  Mainly you wake up with her head laying on your stomach.

Fiona Frauenfeld:
Normally Fiona likes when you face her and just embrace her in your arms while hearing her heartbeat.

Miss Peregrine:
Normally you both just like to face each other.  And occasionally spoon.

Victor Bruntley:
Since Victor doesn't want anything to happen to you while you sleep.  He always puts his hands on your waists and put your head on his chest.

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