when they knew they loved you

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Enoch O'Connor:
After you had been so kind to him even after he was so harsh towards you.

"Enoch, come dance with me!" You shouted grabbing his arm.  You hadn't been dating at the time but you had grown into good friends over the years.

"I'll pass, Y/N, " he said going back to sit.  You sighed and sat down beside him.  "That doesn't mean you can't dance without me, " he spoke.

You leaned onto his shoulder, the blush on his face rising.  "I'd prefer to dance with you, Enoch."

He sighed and got, dragging you along with him.

Jacob Portman:
Whenever you would be genuinely curious about things that went on in the current period.

"And who is this, Jacob?" You questioned, placing your finger on a woman from a magazine Jake had brought you.  You loved it when he'd bring things from the future.

"That's Ariana Grande, she's a singer,". You gapped at her.

"What about her! Who's that?". You looked up at Jacob curiously.

"That's Halsey she's also a singer, "

Abruptly, the door opened and Emma walked into the room and told Jake something.  To which he responded he had to go.

"Can I keep the magazine?" You asked smiling at him.  He smiled back and nodded his head.

Hugh Apiston:
When you weren't afraid of his bees.

You sat down by the tree.  Hugh was leaning on your shoulder, gently kissing your neck.

He opened his mouth to say something but immediately snapped his mouth shut. 

You looked at him sympathetically. 

"Hugh, I'm fine.  Your bees won't hurt me."

"That's not what I scared of, " He mumbled softly.  To which you raised your eyebrow.

You took his hand in yours.  "Then what are you scared of, dear?"

He looked up at you, putting his head down.  "I'm scared you'll be scared of me when I open my mouth."

You put your hands on both sides of his face and smashed his lips on yours.

"Is that scared for you?".

Millard Nullings:
He realized he loved you when he realized you made him so happy.

"Millard, where are you!" You sang.  Millard and you were playing hide and seek.

"Children come to for dinner!,' called Miss Peregrine.  You and Millard groaned.  

Currently, Millard wasn't feeling all too well so he was forced to eat dinner in his room.  He hated it because he would always sit next to you during dinner and either hold your hand or place his hand on your thigh.

While he was sitting on his bed eating what he had been eating for years, he thought of how much he missed you.  Even though you only downstairs he couldn't bear being away from his precious darling.

When dinner was over you walked into his room.  "Your back, my dear!"  he leaped into your arms.  You giggled at his actions "Miss me, Millard"  You poked him in the forehead.

He folded his arms.  You couldn't see it but he was blushing.  "I did not!"  He yelled back.

Olive Elephanta:
When you stuck with her.

"Olive, dear, where are you?" You yelled worryingly through the house.

Olive had forgotten to put her glove back on after boiling some tea and putting her hand down to lean on a table.

Everyone had yelled at her for setting the table on fire along with a few other things.

You finally found her mopping in her shared room with you.

You immediately hugged her and whispered in her ear.

Emma Bloom:
When you saved her.

Emma was doing her chores and putting the baby squirrel back in its tree.  Jake was in charge of holding her rope but one of Hughs's bees flew in his face and he let go.

"Y/N, someone, help!" She yelled holding onto a branch to keep her from flying away.

Using your peculiarity you created a portal to get to where she was.

You took her hand and floated back down to the ground.  After she put her shoes on and slapped Jake on the face, she walks towards you.  You asked if she was alright and said she loved you.

Fiona Frauenfeld:
Whenever you helped her with her plants, even though you couldn't do much.

You tried to help her the best to your ability but ended up failing miserably.

She always laughed to which made you laugh too.

She looked at you and realized how much she adored you.

Miss Peregrine:
When you saved her children.

Everyone was scared and in a panic.  Miss Peregrine was hurt and stuck as a bird.  Not to mention it was almost time for the reset.

The younger children were balling and the others trying to help.

It was too late, you would have to do the loop for her.

It wasn't as you'd never done it before.  Before you knew it you restarted the day and all was alright.

You nursed Miss Peregrine back to health and she thanked you numerous times telling you she loved you so much.

Victor Bruntley:
Whenever you became friends with Enoch for his sake.

You didn't like him, but for Victor, you would try to get along.

You sat in front of him in his room.

You started will small talk, when that didn't work, you resorted to negotiating with him. Trying to tell him that it was for Victor's sake.

You eventually came to I'm agreement that you would both tolerate each other for him.

When Victor heard about this he picked both of you up and spun you around, tightly hugging you both.

After that, you both became sort of friends for his sake. 


I'm so sorry I haven't updated everything has been crazy with this quarantining.  I hope you all are alright and stay indoors!! Love ya'll!!

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