Running To Catch The One I Love

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I pushed Keifer away and he stumbled backward. I tore his arms off of me as strained tears pricked my eyes.

"I'm sorry Keifer. I can't. I just can't, " I pleaded, looking into his hurt eyes.

Keifer took my hands again, pleading with his eyes. Almost begging he whined, "Why Y/N? Why not?"

I tried to avoid his piercing gaze, but he kept pulling me back. "I... I"

Keifer waited for my answer, in silence.

"Because I - "

Keifer looked to the side of my head and glanced behind me. His eyes widened for a split second before relaxing themselves as a mischievous grin played on his lips

"You what, Y/N?!" Keifer yelled in frustration, definitely leaving marks on my arms.

"Because I love Mackie!"

The response came out of my mouth without thinking. My eyes widened as did Keifer's. His hands fell limp to his sides. I looked up at him and I could see a mixture of hurt but somehow also relief.

"I uh-," I tried to defend myself but I was suddenly cut off by the sound of something heavy falling behind me. My back tensed up at the thought of someone hearing our conversation. .

I timidly and slowly turned around until I saw two silhouettes standing next to a case of equipment that was laying on its side. I squinted slightly and caught a glimpse of a girl and a boy. The girl looked like she had long hair, just like Esang.

My breath hitched as numbness took over my whole body. I caught a glimpse of the pair of mesmerizing eyes in the shadows that I was all too familiar with. The eyes. The body shape. The hair. There was no doubting it.


I stumbled back in shock as he took a small step forward. He reached out for me, but I cowered away.

I abruptly started to run towards the direction of the exit. I didn't dare to look back, for I know all the embarrassment would rise up to haunt me. I started to imagine the taunting faces of everyone. Keifer's, Esang's, and . . . Mackie's.

Tears clouded my vision as it started to feel as if I was running forever. I almost stopped until I heard someone chasing me from behind and yelling, "Y/N! Y/N please!"

I ran faster and faster until my legs finally gave out and I hid behind a trashcan on the outside of the theater. 

And I sat there, tears spilling onto the ground.

Mackie's POV

I watched as she started running away. Away from me. I let out a breath in disbelief. Y/N likes me. No, she loves me. All sorts of feelings flooded my mind but I knew one thing was for sure. That I loved her back.

Keifer caught my line of vision, with a smirk on his face, a smirk I wanted to punch right off. I stomped up to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. The smirk still sat upon his face making my mouth twitch in agitation. 

"What the hell Keifer!? Why'd you kiss her?! Why'd you hurt her like that?!" I yelled. He didn't wince or respond for a few seconds but then his next words caught me off guard.

Keifer calmly smiled, "Wasn't she the one who hurt me, Mack? Did you think that I didn't know that you were watching? Why do you think I baited her confession right out of her mouth?"

My mouth fell open in awe. He knew I was watching? Did he plan this?

I couldn't answer before he cut me off, "Anyway, why are you still here? Shouldn't you be running after her right now?

Letting myself calm down at his words, I smiled at him genuinely as I let go of him, turning towards the direction Y/N ran off to. I scrunched up my eyebrows before turning back to Keifer.

His confused face turned into a pained one when I punched him hard in his stomach. Esang, who was watching just in case something went wrong, rushed over to Keifer, who was bending over in pain.

"And that, Keif, is for kissing the girl that I love."

With that, I ran to catch Y/N.



There will be only two chapters left of JKOMD, and I'm so excited for it to end. Not because it is ending, but because I'll be able to write new books and give you guys something new. Sorry for being inactive for more than a month, I genuinely have no excuse so I'll just be honest. I was just kinda lazy, y'know it happens to everyone but I'm not proud of it. Once I start new books for y'all, I'm sure I'll get back into writing. 

The next book coming out will be a . . . MACKEIFER STORY!!! I know y'all excited, don't flatter me ((;

I'll also work on another Mackie x Reader story at the same time for those who don't read Mackeifer ff's.

Be sure to stay updated with my books, I highly appreciate all of the support I've been getting.

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