Endless tears 21

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Hamaad got confused to seeing him  changing his  expression in next second. Shivaay gave him a devilish smirk and set on the chair like a king.

Shiv.  So what were you saying. 

H.  I said I'll take her with me.

Shiv. And with whom permission

H. Why will I take someone's permission. Her dad gave me her responsibility so I can take her with me.

Shivaay.  Then what about her husband who is still alive. 

H. Are you joking. Which husband you are talking about ?? That husband who  never accepted  her  as his  wife or that one who just gave her pain nothing else.

Shiv.  It's my  and Anika's personal matter you don't need to interfere in it.

H.  But you guys are already divorced so I can take her with me

Shiv. Who said that we are divorced.  Show me any paper of valid note.

H.  Stop bashing around and tell me what you wanna say mr shivaay

Shiv. Simple. She is still my wife. I agreed we had signed on that papers but I never submitted them.so she is still my wife. He smirk

H.  But why you didn't do it when you wanted to leave her.

Shiv. Because I had hope that Anika is right. And how can you thought that I'll leave gem like Anika.  I agreed I had done many things in stupidity but that's doesn't mean I'm fool who will leave her and let her go. Don't forget I'm a bussinus man and being a reputed and successful bussinus man I'll never do any bad deal. 

H. She is not your deal. She is an human for god sake.

Shiv.  I know she is an human as well as my wife whom I love a lot.  You don't worry I'll take care of her properly.  Anyways when I've realised my mistake and accepted her as my wife so I don't think so there is any need to living here.  You can go back to your life.  I'm here to keep her like a delegate flower

H.  I don't believe you.  Kaya pata kal kuch ho jai or tuma phir par lag jai.

Shiv. It's won't happens.  Infect if someone will ask to give my life for her then I'll do with close eyes.  I love her a lot and can assure you that I'll keep her happy.

H. No I'll take her with me and that's final.

Shiv.  Ok take her but first go and bring legal paper from the court then we will talk. Saying this he flicked his hair and left from there.

Next day

Shivaay entered in ward and found Anika is sleeping looking pale as always.  He smile slightly and kissed her forehead lovingly.

Shiv.  I love you.  Get up jaan I can't Able to seeing you like this. 

Do. Mr shivaay

Shiv. Oh doctor it's good that  you have came. I wanna talk to you regarding Anika.

Do. What happened mr oberoi.

Shiv. I wanna take Anika at home

Do. It's can't possible she is not in condition to move somewhere else.

Shiv.  I'll take care of her. You don't worry.

Do I know you will do but she is so weak as well as her all wounds are fresh so it's like a invitation to danger for her to shifting her somewhere else.

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