Ch. 2 - How It All Started

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So as I said in my previous chapter, I have no solid update plan. So let me just post this when I can :)

If you find any spelling errors in this chapter, I do sincerely apologize. It's not that I don't edit my chapters, it's just that I am in a rush to finish this chapter because I will be somewhat dead in the next few weeks due to my clinical rotations..

Clinicals have been a pain but I still enjoy them. Would not trade the experience for anything :)

Hope you like it!


Wayo's POV

"What do you hope to achieve with this stunt you just pulled, Doctor Phana?" I sneered at the tall man infront of me. The only man that could make and break me as a person. But not it was not the case. He used to be the person that could make or break me, but now he is nothing but my senior in my faculty. I have no obligations to meet and become casual with him. After two years I can't even fathom why he went ahead and requested me to be his aid in his rotations. I am not the brightest in the class but I can still manage my own studies. What does he hope to get from this arrangement?

He visibly shivered from the somewhat venomous tone in my voice. I can see that it somehow affected him. But I don't care anymore. I shouldn't care anymore.

He got out from whatever trance he was in and just smiled at me.

"Well... nothing really. I thought I would help you out with the trouble of requesting for a senior. And on the plus side, you already know me. No need to go through all the introductions with a new senior." He let out a tiny smirk while replying. So that was his motive. He just wanted to save me from embarrassing myself infront of a new senior. Well fat chance.

"Sorry to say, but during the announcement I was planning to actually request P'Kit or P'Beam to shadow them. Their boyfriends made me promise to be with them during their rotations so no other doctor, nurse or even patient can hit on them." I said with a stoic face. This was partially true. Ming and P'Forth, P'Kit's and P'Beams boyfriends respectively, voiced out to me that they were concerned of some "creepy doctor or patient" hitting on their wives. Their words not mine, really. So when the professor made that announcement earlier, I was adamant in requesting them.

"Sorry about the Yo, but Ai'Pha sent the letter immediately to the Dean. We were able to sto--" P'Kit's sentence went unfinished as Phana's hand shot up and covered his mouth.

I forgot to mention that P'Kit and P'Beam were with P'Phana when he came to me earlier. I am good friends with them, but not so much to their friend. I still remember my first day here when I saw them. And the words that I said to his face.

Flashback - 1 year ago

3rd Person POV

Kantaphat University.

The most prestigious university in all of Bangkok.

Mostly known for it's medical courses, we see our favorite lead stepping out of his care with his earphones in.

Things have changed for Wayo in the past year. Both physically and emotionally. He swapped out his thick-framed glasses for contacts. He took care of himself better and finally achieved the 'body goals' he dreamed of. Standing at 178cm, he was slim, lean, and toned to boot. He was not "buff" or "muscular" per se, but more like a very fit gymnast or swimmer. His face could turn the manliest of men into putty in his hands. A simple smile and wink would instantly capture you. His clear, white skin was thought of being injected with glutathione for the fairness and smoothness. Without a trace of pimples or acne, he was a sight to behold. But the person himself, doesn't really see himself as "attractive" or "adorable". He would describe himself as "cute". (A/N: Somewhat accurate but "adorably hot" is much better really)

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